TITANS Academy
Art by: Free 3D
Art Edited by: Joshua W. Murcray
The T.I.T.A.N.S. Academy

Where Responsibility and Power Are In-Sync!

Instructors | Students

Headquartered in the Out-of-Temporal-Sync nation of Kalaallit Nunaat, the Academy is well shielded and staffed to train all those with a need for perfecting their abilities.

Whether you are a meta-mutant or an alien, your unique set of skills can be trained and well-honed here at the Academy where our instructors cover a vast array of educational programs. Some of our instructors are even Reserve members of The T.I.T.A.N.S.!

Real-World applications are emphasized at the Academy and all students are taught how to defend themselves and others with or without enhanced abilities or powers.

The future is at stake and the Academy is the training ground for making sure we never have to endure another Great Burn or Quake.

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