Art by: JulioRochaArt

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

Antonia Lee Jubiletti is 16 when her meta-mutant powers manifest causing her to become completely encased in plasma energy. Thankfully, a Starshield Labs team was nearby investigating a temporal disturbance. They were able to bring her back to Starshield Labs where Major Fury was able to contain her energy using his Starcell Ring. The technicians there were able to repurpose a containment suit built to hold Fusion Burn.

Once encased in her new suit, Antonia was convinced to stay at Starshield Labs in order to learn how to use her suit including walking, eating and...other necessary actions.

The next year, Antonia is approached by Cosmic Storm about joining The T.I.T.A.N.S. Academy in order to perfect her abilities. Taking the name Jubilent, Antonia agrees and leaves Starshield Labs to move to the Out-of-Sync Temporal Nation of Kalaallit Nunaat. She is 17 years old.

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Plasma Energy Constructs:

Jubilent can generate solid energy constructs out of the element of plasma in simple forms such as protective shields, ropes, daggers, and battering rams. While she initially could not fly, she could create slides and flying platforms to carry herself and others through the air. Her plasma energy is said to be of a similar wavelength to the elemental energies of other elemental adepts.

Energy Projection: On occasion she has shown the ability to project her plasma energy outwards to push and offensively attack opponents with whips, bursts, plasma bolts, waves, and beams of her elemental plasma energy.

Force Field: Another application of Jubilent's plasma generation is that she can create solid shields, barriers and force-fields that she can project over herself or others.

Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasting: Jubilent possesses the meta-mutant ability to generate what she calls "fireworks" (also known as Energy Plasmoids or "Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasts"). These are essentially globules of plasma light energy that vary in power and intensity. The globules obey her mental commands, travelling where she directs them, arranging themselves in a variety of forms - see Plasma Energy Constructs - and exploding when she wishes. The explosions can result in anything from a multitude of colorful sparkles, capable of temporarily blinding a person, to a fairly powerful detonation capable of smashing tree trunks or metal objects. Jubilent can also absorb the generated fireworks back into her own body without harm. According to Cosmic Storm, Jubilent has the potential to detonate matter at a subatomic level.

Psionic Shields: Jubilent's mind possesses a natural defense against telepathic detection or attack. These psionic shields render her mind "slippery" and invisible to telepathic beings unless they know precisely what to mentally scan for.

Psychic Link: Jubilent possesses a psychic link with all of the elemental adepts. Through this link, she can perceive the emotional trauma of her peers and can determine, within a limited range, where her fellow adepts are located. So far, she seems to be the only one who can do this.

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Gymnastics: Jubilent is skilled in gymnastics and had qualified for the Olympic Games before her parents were murdered.

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): She is also a good hand-to-hand combatant, getting trained in The T.I.T.A.N.S. Academy.

Leadership: Jubilent seems to have the makings of a good leader.

Multilingualism: Jubilent speaks Chinese, English and Arabic. Her father used to conduct a lot of business in the Middle East as a Senator, so she studied the language.

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Containment Suit: Developed by Starshield Labs, the suit is designed to contain her plasmatic powers as well as boost her control. It is hoped that, over time, Jubilent will develop enough control over her plasma abilities to contain them herself and be released from the suit. So far she has spent nearly a year in the suit.

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Dyscalculia: Jubilent suffers from a learning disability that causes severe difficulty in making mathmatical calculations. Given her status as an academic underachiever, this assessment can probably be assumed to have some degree of accuracy.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Catchphrase: Favorite phrase is "Ewwwwwww!"

Crush: Jubilent once saw The T.I.T.A.N.S. in action. She was extremely impressed with them, particularly Shift, whom she developed a crush on. Later she met Shift and realized she still nursed a crush on him.

Lineage: Jubilent is the daughter of a prominent U.S. Senator from the New Jersey Protectorate and a prosperous Chinese immigrant business owner.

Skintone: Her skin looks like the image to the right.