Legion Sinister Headquarters
Art by: Niconoff
The Legion Sinister

Datum tempus, et omnem voluntatem arcum nostris.

Their base is well hidden deep within a swamp so overgrown, that only during the summer does sunlight reach the ground.

They claim that their egos are checked at the door and their primary goal is to come together to bring about a worldwide government, with them at the top.

But behind closed doors each one plots ways to take the power from their fellows and it for this reason that they never seem to accomplish their goals.

However, it is true that there is "honor among thieves" as no one attacks the other within the grounds of their headquarters. This is their safe haven and no one is allowed to hinder the other from using the facilities. But that does not change what they do outside of their swamp.

DISCLAIMER: As more information comes available we will be updating our files.

The Legion

Brainim Zoliac
Ivo Horton
Sivanna Trask
The Huntsman
The Query

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