Eadochas - Art by Eric Guzman
Art by Eric Guzman

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


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AGILITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DURABILITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ENERGY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
FIGHTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
FLIGHT SPEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
INTELLIGENCE  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
LAND SPEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
REFLEXES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
STAMINA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
STRENGTH  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
WATER SPEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venom Serum Physiological Enhancements:

The Venom Serum creates a symbiosis between the host and the bio-engineered molecular nanites, which act with a hive-mind connected with the host, to become a single entity, that compose the Venom Serum. The Venom Serum grants the host's skin the ability to mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, as well as blending Éadóchas in with his surroundings, rendering him invisible. Éadóchas must periodically reinject himself with a new batch of the Serum in order to replace any he has lost due to bloodshed, loss of limbs, or loss of skin. However, overdosing on The Serum can result in temporary insanity.

The Serum has augmented all of its hosts physical abilities to superhuman levels equal to, and in some cases greater than, Muraña's.

Agility: Superhuman: Amorphous

Constituent-Matter Generation: Éadóchas can use the Venom Serum to replicate his clothes or skin or even webbing which he uses to tie up his victims. While it seems he has a never-ending supply of this, the more he generates and expels the sooner he will need to reinject himself with more Venom Serum.

_____Webbing Generation

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Éadóchas can manipulate the constituent-matter his Venom Serum generates to become clothing, webbing, or even to replace an organ or limb that was damaged or lost in a battle.

Durability: Metahuman

_____Accelerated Healing: Éadóchas can also use his Venom Serum as a form of medicine to heal from injuries, poisons, and diseases. Depending on how devastating the injury, Éadóchas needs to inject a certain amount of Venom Serum into himself. When faced with extreme wounds, such as many broken bones, excessive blood loss, or terminal poisons or diseases, Éadóchas needs to inject an unhealthy amount of Venom Serum which will cause him to temporarily go berserk to heal properly.

Energy Absorption: It surprised everyone when Éadóchas was blasted with an energy cannon and seemed to absorb it. It appears it helps increase the power levels of the bio-engineered molecular nanites.

Energy Transference: The energy he absorbs seems to be stored in his nanites but can also be released on contact with another person or thing. This is a trick he learned from one of his brief run-ins with Wakĥáŋ Tĥáŋka Iktomi.

Enhanced Senses

_____Muraña Detection: It is still unclear why or how, but Éadóchas is able to sense Muraña when he is within a certain distance of Muraña.

_____Night Vision: Éadóchas can see perfectly in the dark.

_____Offspring Detection: Éadóchas can detect if someone or some thing has the same molecular nanites as he does. Whether it is from another Venom Serum user or somehow someone has been able to take pieces of him and replicate them. As Éadóchas is the first (as far he knows he is the only) user of the Venom Serum he considers any other users to be his "offspring".

_____Reflexes: Predictive: Almost like a form of ESP, Éadóchas is so completely in-tune with his senses that he is able to sense movement or a threat from behind. His reflexes are fast enough to be able to dodge bullets and punches because of his ability to be aware of his surroundings as well as a from of ESP allowing him to sense the movements of an opponent before they even make them.

Genetic Memory: A completely unforeseen and highly bizarre side-effect of the Venom Serum is how if taps into the genetic information in Éadóchas. Apparently it is able to read the DNA and decipher the memories of his parents up to moment of conception as well as their parents and so on. This means that Éadóchas has access to the genetic memories of nearly his entire ancestral line, giving him centuries of experiences to call upon.

Invisibility: Though not true Invisibility, Éadóchas can match his skin to his surroundings so perfectly that he appears invisible.

Land Speed: Superhuman: Can reach speeds in the range of 111 to 115mph (178-185kph).

Shapeshifting: Éadóchas can manipulate his constituent-matter to alter his shape and looks. However, should he be rendered unconscious or inert, he will revert to his normal self.

Passive Sonar Immunity: Another odd connection to Muraña is that Éadóchas cannot be detected by Muraña's Passive Sonar. It is not known why.

Stamina: Alt-Enhanced: Under the effects of the Venom Serum, Éadóchas can fight almost forever. If he can continue to pump Venom into his veins he can continue fighting indefinitely. While on a single dose of Venom Serum Éadóchas has fought many battles for many hours and never seemingly stopped.

Strength: Superhuman: Level 25: The primary effect of the Venom Serum is that it enhances strength to low superhuman levels, depending on how much Venom Serum is injected. Éadóchas has been shown to be stronger than Vigilante even without the Venom Serum, and while injected is able to bend thick steel. When Éadóchas injects the maximum amount of Venom Serum that is considered healthy into himself, he becomes capable of lifting over 2 tons. He is ultimately capable of exceeding his limit to 8 tons, though not without temporarily losing control over himself.

Telepathy Resistance: The bio-engineered molecular nanites in his system somehow block any telepathic attack or attempt at reading or manipulation.

Wall-Crawling: Much like Muraña, Éadóchas can walk/climb up sheer surfaces like a spider.

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Escapology: Éadóchas is challenged only by Vigilante, Hellion, and Cerebrale in the arts of escaping and infiltration, and has managed to break out of ADX Florence (which is arguably the most heavily fortified prison in the world) as well as various maximum security centers, including Arkham Raft.

Expert Marksman: Éadóchas is an expert marksman.

Expert Reporter: Before his taking the Venom Serum, Éadóchas was an incredibly skilled reporter for the The Irish Sun, and knew how to investigate. He also had many sources of information that aided him in helping with his plans.

Intelligence: Genius: Éadóchas is also highly intelligent; Magnus says that Éadóchas "has a mind equal to the greatest he has known." In prison, he teaches himself various scientific disciplines equal to the level of understanding of leading experts in those fields, making him a genius, as well as one of Vigilante's most intelligent foes.

Fighting Skills: Sensei: Éadóchas is a highly formidable combatant who has not only mastered, but also created several forms of martial arts. Though less skilled than the likes of Vigilante or Lady Khaalida, Éadóchas's fighting ability combined with his peak strength and endurance make him a highly formidable opponent for any non-meta and many meta-mutant foes.

Meditation: As part of his intense training regimen in ADX Florence, Éadóchas would meditate for four hours every night instead of sleeping.

Multilingualism: Éadóchas taught himself ten active languages and at least four additional arcane and dead ones, those mentioned are Spanish, French, German, Russian, Mandarin, English, Farsi, Dhari, some Urdu and Latin.

Photographic Memory: Éadóchas has a photographic memory, which borders on absolute total recall. This has allowed him to memorize the countless skills, disciplines, and facts that he taught himself over the years.

Polymath: Despite the absence of a college, high school, or even primary education as a result of incarceration, he has completely memorized all the facts in countless encyclopedias and books during his time in ADX Florence. He is exceptionally knowledgeable in various subjects including Mathematics, various Sciences, History, Geography, Medicine, and most likely more, to a level that would have definitely given him degrees in these fields.


Tactical Analysis: He is highly devious and a superb strategist and tactician, who has committed various famous war manuals (such as Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War" and Karl von Clausewitz's "On War") to memory.

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Venom Serum: When Éadóchas uses the Venom Serum, he injects it into his brain through a special tube which was connects to wrist cuffs. Activating the control key, Éadóchas can send large amounts of Venom directly into his brain for maximum effect.

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Venomous Fangs

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Drug Addiction: Dependence to Venom Serum.

Venom Overdose: If Éadóchas happens to overdose on the Venom Serum, he will temporarily go into a feral state in which his physical abilities increase tremendously, but he himself becomes little more than a mindless monster.

Sonics: The Venom Serum makes Éadóchas extremely sensitive to sonic and thermal attacks, making him vulnerable, although the degree of sensitivity has varied over time.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)