The Omega Guardians

" much for saving the galaxy TWO times?"

A band of thieves, bounty hunters, outcasts and otherwise ne'er-do-wells all in one starship. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Despite all their efforts to establish a reputation as one of the roughest and most successful group of outlaws in the galaxy (which they are), they have also managed to stop genocide, pirates, dictatorships, and more, not to mention saving the entire galaxy at least once. Twice if you count that time with the towel.

With a sentient ship, a mix of talents and powers, The Omega Guardians may be the galaxy's only chance at surviving...but that doesn't mean they are the best chance. They just may be the only ones available.

Current Members


Ch'Gor Kar'od

Corvus Prime


Dr. Sikorsky





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