Typical Oansgardian
Art by: MeMyMine

Overview | History | Biology
Technology | Culture | Law
Politics | Powers | Abilities
Weaknesses | Habitat
Elementals | Elemental Schools | Trivia


The denizens of Oansgard are ancient beings who were possibly the first intelligent life forms in this Universe. In the beginning they were tall, greyish-blue humanoids with black hair. They became scientists and thinkers, experimenting on the worlds around them.

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In a pivotal moment, billions of years ago, an Oansgardian named Kronmir used time-bending technology to try and observe the end of the Universe. This experiment shattered the Universe, breaking the very fabric of Creation, and caused the entire race to become multi-hued. Instead of being blue-skinned, the color spectrum became scrambled and now the entire race is a rainbow of colors.

Torn asunder, the very Elements themselves, were scattered across the great expanse creating new worlds and new galaxies. Feeling responsible for this, the Oansgardians relocated to the center of a newly formed galaxy and called their new home, Grønnhjem, for it was lush and green and unspoiled. Here, on their new home, the Oansgardians, as a people, took on the task of gathering and mastering the use of the Elements.

To this order they created a Central Cosmic Battery that would be in tune with the Elements of Creation. With the Central Cosmic Battery, the Oansgardians fashioned portable lanterns that could be used to scan a member of any race, searching for those who had the gift of affecting the Elements. According to their scientists, every sentient being in the universe was affected when the Elements were scattered. The Oansgardians call this event The Shattering.

As life developed across the universe, those who were born with the ability to affect the Elements could be located by scanning them with the Biological-Frequency Organic System Tracker (Bi.Fr.O.S.T.). The Bi.Fr.O.S.T. would send a wave of Elemental energy through the body of a being while scanning and recording the effects. If the DNA strands of the being vibrated when the Elemental energy passed through it, the sentient being was said to have the Gift of somehow affecting a specific Element. Which Element would be later determined after rigorous testing. But the strength of potential skill level at which the person could master the Element was determined at the very beginning by the size of vibrations of the DNA strands. For example: Both Halthor & Skygge were determined to be Adept-level Elementals when, at the time of the initial Bi.Fr.O.S.T. scanning, their entire bodies shook!

At first, the Oansgardians only scanned their own kind, but after nearly a millennia and still not finding enough Masters, they began to branch out. The first non-Oansgard sentient to become inducted into the Grønnhjem Elemental Academy was a Drurllon named, Gaea. Gaea became the first Nature Element Adept. Able to wield and control the very Elements of Nature, Gaea used her abilities to create a home and training place for others who were to study the Elements. She created a living sentient planet named, Mogego. It was here the Oansgardians moved the Elemental Academy and renamed it, in honor of its first instructor, the Attilan Elemental Academy. To this day, Gaea (now fully merged in perfect symbiosis with Mogego) guides and protects the inhabitants and students of Mogaeago, while maintaining her status as Adept, teaching others in the Elemental arts of Nature.

Mogaeago created a son that they sent to grow and learn on the planet that would one day become known as Eden. On Eden, he is an entity known simply as The Green.

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Elemental: Their technology is so advanced as to seem like magic to Eden. It is primarily centered around the Elements of Reality.

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Oansgard are also known as The Immortals, for they do not age once they hit full adulthood. But the universe makes sure to keep balance and so Oansgardians only produce two offspring per union; one boy and one girl. Once the second child is born, factors within their DNA begin to break down the process of creating fertile eggs in the female and sperm in the male, thus rendering both barren.

Children, on Oansgard, are guarded with extreme care and to assault or cause harm to one is an offense punishable by exile. To kill a child, with purpose, is to commit a crime so terrible that more than death is your punishment. Before you are executed, the time-bending technology, used by Kronmir at the beginning, is used to allow the Psion Elemental Masters to pull from the mind of the deceased child their last moments alive. Using these memories, the Psions link with the Fear Elemental Master to heighten the fear the child is experiencing.

Once that is completed the entire memory, now greatly enhanced, is thrust into the mind of the murderer and placed on an endless replay loop. The murderer is then sentenced to Life in the Shadows. The Shadow Elemental Master then places the murderer in suspended animation within the shadows of time. Should the whole experience prove too much and the mind of the murderer crumble and fail, then the body is executed. If not, the body will remain, lost forever, on an endless replay of terror and pain, in the shadows of time.

The Oansgard people learned eons ago that Science is not meant just to explain the universe, but also to learn the best use for it. Through Science they have come to better understand the very nature of the Universe and, with that knowledge, have learned how to manipulate it and use it to better their lives. This manipulation of the very building blocks of the Universe is seen by less-advanced civilizations, as pure magic.

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Type of Government: Monarchy

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The Oansgardians all possess certain superhuman physical attributes:

Energy Manipulation: The Oansgardians have some potential to manipulate mystical or cosmic energies for some purpose. These powers are mostly limited to changing their appearance or shape and teleporting across great distances. However, a small minority of the Oansgardians are capable of manipulating vast amounts of energy for a variety of purposes including teleportation, shape-shifting, matter manipulation, augmentation of their physical capabilities, erecting powerful force fields, firing powerful blasts of energy for destructive purposes, and granting superhuman attributes to objects and beings. According to Melltithio, every Oansgardian has a spark of the Elemental Force inside them, giving them their mystical nature.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite their natural durability, it is possible for any of the Oansgardians to sustain injury. However, if injured, their highly advanced metabolism enables them to recover with superhuman speed and efficiency. As with most of their other powers, the speed and extent of these powers varies from one Oansgardian to another and is greater for more powerful Oansgardians. According to Melltithio during an Oansgardian vivisection, a normal Oansgardian can heal from having their heart removed for five minutes after the removal in addition to having his or her neural system continue to function normally.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: The skin, muscle, and bone tissues of the Oansgardians are about three times as dense as the same tissue of a human body, contributing to their superhuman strength and weight.

Superhuman Durability: The bodies of the Oansgardians are considerably more resistant to physical injury than the bodies of human beings. Oansgardians are capable of withstanding conventional injury including great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes and falls from great heights without sustaining physical injury. According to REDACTED, most Oansgardians at their base level are about as physically durable as Muraña (although this was most likely a lie).

Immortality: The Oansgardians age at a much slower rate until they reach adulthood. Once they do, their bodies cease aging. Their bodies are also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infection. However, their actions or any attacks from opponents could have a debilitating effect on them. Example: Ordan Ali Borapsan, father of Halthor, had white hair and beard and seemed to have deep wrinkles and creases in his worn face. These were all results from thousands of years of battles and attacks from foes, not from age.

Superhuman Speed: All Oansgardians have the potential of being able to run and move at speeds much greater than the finest human athlete. Only a few can supersede the majority of the Oansgardians.

Superhuman Stamina: The musculature of the Oansgardians produce considerably fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of human beings. An average Oansgardian can exert themselves at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue impairs them. Ragnarök is physically stronger than most of the Oansgardians.

Superhuman Strength: All Oansgardians are superhumanly strong with the average Oansgardian male able to lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions and the average Oansgardian females able to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.

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The Oansgardians possess specific skills associated with their personalities or area of expertise. For example, Ragnarök has complete control and mastery of Time, whereas Amoragan is highly skilled in all forms of physical and sexual pleasure, as well as Fear. Most of the Oansgardians have had some degree of training in armed and unarmed combat through private tutors or through the other gods.

Combat Proficiency: The Oansgardians are exceptional warriors in both armed and unarmed combat including swordsmanship and archery.

Genius-level Intellect

Omnilingual: Thanks to their elemental nature, Oansgardians can communicate and be understood by other races.

Riding/Horsemanship: Many of the Oansgardians are proficient horseback riders trained in riding conventional horses and winged horses in addition to other enchanted animals.

Weapon Proficiency: The Oansgardians are known to carry swords, battle axes, and war hammers among other weapons.

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Habitat: Eden-like

Gravity: Eden standard

Atmosphere: Eden-like

Population: 614,821,864 1,307

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Each Element is represented by a different color or mix of colors allowing identification based on the energy color they release. Even if using more than one Element, the colors will not mix, allowing others to know exactly which Element was used.

There is also a training course on Mogaeago, the living planet. The Attilan Elemental Academy not only tests each potential student to determine which Element they will receive training in, but will also make sure that they understand the full responsibility of their Element.

Each Element has its own school in order to make sure one Elemental Trainee does not disrupt the other schools. Each school is named after the first Adept of that Element. If there has not been an Adept in that Element than the school is given a nickname that all students will use as well. For example: The Element called Convexity, also known as Chaos, has never had an Adept or a Master. In fact the Element itself has been so rare that studying it has been nearly impossible...until recently. Therefore, the school is called The Twisted School of Convexity. The Students, if there were any, would be called The Twisted.

Below is the current titles and classifications of the known Elementals and their schools. Included will be images of the totems or "keys" that allow them access to that Element.

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Elemental Schools


School Name:
The De Costa Kril School of Fire
Student Title:
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Vivo Ranzz School of Electricity
Student Title:
Current Adept:

School Name:
The Sigrid Ymir School of Ice
Student Title:
Frost Giants
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Hol'and School of Earth
Student Title:
Current Adept:
Poison aka Decay

School Name:
Student Title:
Current Adept:

Wind aka Air

School Name:
The Ulthoon School of Aerokinesis
Student Title:
Wind Riders
Current Adept:
Red Wind

School Name:
The Phobillax House of Fear
Student Title:
The Frights
Current Adept:
Sorceress of Fear


School Name:
The Obsidian Order of Shadows
Student Title:
The Starless
Current Adept:
Dark Web
Convexity aka Chaos

School Name:
The Twisted School of Convexity
Student Title:
The Twisted (No current students)
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Kimimax Dilloshi School of Light
Student Title:
The Living Lightning
Current Adept:

School Name:
The Gorius Ch'od School of Psions
Student Title:
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Poseidon School of Hydrokinesis
Student Title:
The Sub-Mariners
Current Adept:
King Garris, Lord of Kitezh

School Name:
The Deadrider School of the Spirit
Student Title:
The Ghostmen
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Gabriel Kang Temporal School
Student Title:
The Walkers
Current Adept:

School Name:
The Gaea School of Nature
Student Title:
Current Adept:


School Name:
The Debye Study of Plasma
Student Title:
Current Adept:



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