Cosmic Storm - Art by Toni-Santos
Art by Toni Santos
Cosmic Storm

History | Personality | Gifts | Skills
Weaknesses | Equipment | Weapons | Trivia

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Personality Traits


Condition Immunity




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(See The Grid)


Cosmic Storm is one of the most powerful Homo Magi on Eden in her control over the weather, and has demonstrated a plethora of abilities, most of which are facets of her power to manipulate the weather. Cosmic Storm possesses the magical ability to control all forms of Weather Manipulation. She has been able to control both Eden and extraterrestrial ecosystems on several occasions. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist. She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well.

Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, and, along with her natural ability of flight, summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself (or others) to fly at high altitudes and speeds. Her control is so great that she can even manipulate the air in a person's lungs. She can also control the pressure inside the human inner ear, an ability she uses to cause intense pain. She can also bend light using moisture in the air and her manipulation of mist and fog to appear partially transparent, and in some cases, nearly invisible.

Cosmic Storm has also demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include storms, solar wind, ocean currents, and electromagnetic energy. She has demonstrated the ability to separate water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis, allowing her to breathe underwater. While in outer space, she is able to affect and manipulate the interstellar and intergalactic mediums. Cosmic Storm can alter her visual perceptions so as to see the universe in terms of energy patterns, detecting the flow of kinetic, thermal and electromagnetic energy behind weather phenomena and can bend this energy to her will.

Cosmic Storm has been shown to be sensitive to the dynamics of the natural world, and her magical powers over weather are affected by her emotions. One consequence of this connection to nature is that she often suppresses extreme feelings to prevent her emotional state from resulting in violent weather. She has once sensed a diseased and dying tree on the island, detected objects within various atmospheric mediums—including water, and sensed the incorrect motion of a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere and the gravitational stress on the tides by Luna and the Sun as well as the distortion of a planet's magnetosphere. Cosmic Storm can view the Eden as weather patterns, and is able to precisely recognize her geographic position through interpretations of these patterns. Cosmic Storm's magical abilities are limited by her willpower and the strength of her body. Cosmic Storm is also able to manipulate earth and fire, create earthquakes and lava bursts.

Density Control: Cosmic Storm has complete control over molecules and as such can change the density of solids, liquids and gases to as light as hydrogen or as heavy as uranium.

Eden Link: Cosmic Storm's powers have created a psychic bond between herself and the primal life force of Eden's biosphere. This bond with Eden and apparently the entire universe, gives Cosmic Storm spiritual and material sustenance with an almost empathic sense towards living thing. She also possesses the ability to sense and detect life force and she has once sensed a dying tree on the grounds of The T.I.T.A.N.S. Academy. She has once sensed a snowball being tossed and could sense a military jet cutting the atmosphere even though the distance between them was thousands of miles. She can sense any natural phenomena including earthquakes, storms, etc.. Cosmic Storm can sense movements in the air or water mediums.

Magical Potential: Cosmic Storm's ancestry supports the use of magic and witchcraft. Many of her ancestors were sorceresses and priestesses. Cosmic Storm's maternal powers have been linked to the Rain Queens of Balobedu, the region from which her Archimage-class ancestor, Ekahsa, hails. Ekahsa, who worshipped the Maṣryyīn goddess Halthor, later gained favor with Ọya, the spirit of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death and rebirth. Ọya appears to have a strong favor for the bloodline of Ororo. For some unknown reason, since the dawn of Atlantis, this line of African women have been given distinguishing features of white hair, blue eyes, and powerful magical potential.

Molecular Reconstruction: Cosmic Storm's "atomic fusion" or "nuclear nature" stems from nuclear physics tempering with her mixture of psychic energies as well as physical properties. Cosmic Storm can break down and reapply subatomic particles as well as break up the molecular structure of elements and rearrange them. To do this she must know the exact elemental make-up of the object or human. While she has not yet affected living tissue, it is possible though very unstable.

Thermal Variance: Cosmic Storm's body counteracts extremes of temperature, internally increasing or decreasing her temperature in contrast to its external environment to an unknown degree. In the Independent Nation of Antarctica, while trying to alter the blizzards raging over its entirety she nearly fried her own system.


Energy Absorption: Cosmic Storm can absorb massive amounts of energy as well as being able to absorb many different types of energy. Most commonly the elements and energies associated with life and the human body are absorbed. Also solar energy is a possible source of energy that can work as a "emergency battery" for when she is out of power.

_____Energy Projection: Cosmic Storm can generate waves of thermal nuclear energy, which she can focus into blasts of heat from her hands. Her thermal powers also operate remotely, and Cosmic Storm can agitate the temperature of nearby objects simply by walking past them.

_____Energy Vision: With a blink, Cosmic Storm can see the physical world around her as energy, including the human body's nervous system, which in turn allows her to counter all but the fastest attack. Added to her already formidable hand-to-hand abilities, this makes her a very tough opponent. She has also shown the ability to see in almost complete darkness.

_____Flight: Cosmic Storm can channel the nuclear energy within her body, granting herself the ability to fly while in space or when gliding on the wind would be detrimental. Cosmic Storm manifests a pair of feathered, energy wings to aid in aerial navigation, but it is unclear whether she actually requires them for thrust or propulsion. Like Atomic Storm, she can likely fly without the aid of her wings, but chooses to employ them for aesthetic reasons...sometimes

Transformation: Ororo Reilly has the ability to transform into her Cosmic Storm persona and back again through an act of will. She can change this appearance at any time such as generating her costume or making alterations to it.

Willpower/Telepathic Resistance: Cosmic Storm has one of the most powerful wills of them all and is a powerful opponent against telepathy in battle. Her resistance is further enhanced by the electrical forces she controls.

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(See The Grid)

Aviation: Cosmic Storm is an accomplished pilot with experience in piloting different types of aircraft.

Expert Gardener: Ororo is also an excellent gardener owing to her supernatural abilities and has her own botanical gardens at The T.I.T.A.N.S. Academy.

Expert Tactician: Cosmic Storm has strong natural leadership skills and has lead The T.I.T.A.N.S. on some missions. She is a highly accomplished and skilled strategist, tactician, and field commander.

Fighting Skills: Expert: Ororo is a gifted and formidable hand-to-hand combatant with years of close quarter combat experience on the streets of Kingstown.

Indomitable Will: Cosmic Storm has an exceptionally strong will, thanks to years of practice to control the weather. She has shown the strength of will to effectively resist the world's most powerful telepaths, such as Paragon, Thunderbird and Onyx.

Master Thief: It is not something she is proud public, but Ororo has an extraordinary ability at picking locks and pockets, getting past advanced security systems, and escape artistry; she is very stealthy, and has the same degree of dexterity in her toes and mouth as she does with her hands. Ororo was, in her youth, one of the most skillful thieves in the entire city of Kingstown. Skills she has kept honed. After all, the money she gained from her illicit exploits is what paid for her schooling.

Multilingual: Cosmic Storm is fluent in English, Arabic, Swahili, Russian, Japanese and Yoruba.

Weapon Proficiency: She is an excellent marksman with handguns and is experienced in the use of various firearms. Ororo is also highly skilled with wielding knives and experienced in the use of the bo staff.

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Claustrophobia: Having been trapped under rubble for three days in Kingstown while her mother lay dying, Ororo's claustrophobia was once so severe, it rendered her completely helpless. However, since the merge, she has more or less conquered her fear, though tight spaces still make her uncomfortable. These flashbacks still attack her when she is enclosed.

Emotional Influence: Ororo's ability to manipulate the weather in her immediate vicinity is affected by her emotions; hence, if she does not maintain control, a fit of rage might induce a destructive storm. As a result, Ororo has in the past kept a tight rein on all extreme emotions. This is another reason why she always volunteers for any mission in space. Her emotions cannot affect the weather as there is none in space.

Naturally Occurring Limitation: Cosmic Storm respects the natural boundaries of the planet's biosphere, and manipulates weather patterns as they naturally exist. For example, she could end a drought in one area by creating torrential rains there, but that would necessitate robbing all available moisture from the surrounding area. Cosmic Storm does not typically create atmospheric conditions that cannot exist naturally on the planet she is on. She could not, for example, lower temperatures as far as absolute zero or raise them to solar intensities. However, when the situation has called for it, Cosmic Storm has created natural and unnatural phenomena which do not exist on Eden, such as Jovian (Jupiter-like) atmospheric pressure, a massive tornado that reaches to the upper atmosphere of the planet, or when she superheated plasma.

Physical Condition: Cosmic Storm is limited by the force of her will and the strength of her body. It once took her several hours to put an end to a savage blizzard sweeping over much of the northern-most Protectorates, and she nearly killed herself from exhaustion in the process.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Aye, Corona!: Cosmic Storm has a halo of flame where her mohawk of hair is. However, this flame is not composed of true plasma, and is actually just an illusory hologram generated by Ororo Reilly's subconscious. As such, the halo does not possess the characteristics akin to ordinary fire. It does not generate heat or cause harm to those who come into contact with it. The solidity of the flame altered from time to time. In some instances, the flame would extinguish itself if she were rendered unconscious or submerged under water. On other occasions, it would continue to flicker.

Belief System: Ororo is a worshiper of Gaea, the Mother of Eden.

Besties: Ororo is best friends with Paragon.

Let's Talk About Sex: When a young aJa'Sondan visited the campus of Columbia University, he met young Ororo, who was still getting used to her new abilities. The two had an instant connection and, before he had to return to Themykanda Ororo lost her virginity to aJa'Sondan.

Nudist: Ororo is a partial nudist.

Relationship: At one point in time, Ororo was in a serious relationship with Harper Forge. She has also dated Alvar Rasmus Rötgrön and even briefly dated B'Ngalo II.

Unconventional: In her teens, after a particularly nasty fight with a rival street gang, a doctor, upon examining her, stated, "But her features don't fit any conventional classification. Not Negroid, Caucasian, or Oriental -- Yet somehow, an amalgam of the rarest elements of them all."

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Cosmic Storm should be Danai Gurira.