Art by Monark AI

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

It is a very long story, but to cut it down, for now, let us just say that the Ancient Aliens people were partially right. The Egyptian goddess, Hat'hor, really was a member of an alien race. Before leaving Eden, she and her brother were cursed by the priests and when they died on their home planet of Shi'tha'nar'ia they were reborn as human babies (twins) back here on Eden.

Now, with each death, they are reincarnated here on Eden and always as twins. All of their memories come with them and they become the foremost authorities on ancient history in each life.

But Fate, or Merlyn Emrys, has a sense of Fairness, as both Hat'hor and her brother were born to to Shi'tha'nar'ian Envoys, at their recently constructed Embassy in Suchowola, Rzeczpospolita Polska.

Warhawk's current reincarnation is named Chayara Cassidyr, III and she has become an expert in the sciences of ancient technology. She specializes in analyzing artifacts found in archaeological digs from around the world. While having her wings back have helped in her travels, she actually does not care for the attention they grant her as well as all the questions.

NOTE: In her picture above, her wings are folded back to hide behind her shoulders, tucking into deep pocket in the bottom half of the cloak. Her bottom feathers poke out the bottom to add a "flair" to her outfit. Her brother designed it for her and she tells people she thinks it makes her look ridiculous, but secretly she thinks her brothers designs are genius and she loves the convenience of this outfit.

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Though Hat'hor'cha'yar'aca'ssi'dyr and her brother view it as a Curse, in fact the priests Blessed them with not only returning to Eden with each life, but that they would never be apart. As of current day, the two of them seem to be immortal in spirit only, as their human bodies can be killed.

Shi'tha'nar'ian Physiological Abilities

Flight: Powered by her wings, Warhawk can take flight and soar for long periods of time, having the same range as the average birds of Eden.

Enhanced Eyesight: Her eyesight is as sharp as the birds of prey on Eden. She is able to pinpoint small objects from over a mile away, even able to read the fine print of a contract or book at that same distance. For her, everything is in focus at all times.


Warhawk, like many of her species, has control over the intensity and volume of her voice to the point that her scream can shatter glass, rend metal, and pulverize rock.Her control over the sound of her voice includes the following:

Induce Sleep

Sonic Scream - Sonar - Sonic Shield - Sound Disruption - Sound Immunity - Superhuman Vocal Stamina

Vocal Disorientation - Vocal Trance - Vocal Unconsciousness

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Reincarnated Knowledge:

Due to living multiple lifetimes, Chayara has accumulated a vast wealth of experiences and knowledge. Below is just a sample of her abilities:


Expert Motorcyclist

Harmonica Player

Master Acrobat - Martial Arts Master - Master Tactician & Strategist - Multilingual

Scientific Genius-Level Intellect

Weapons Master

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Image Transmitter Mesh: Warhawk wears a specially designed mesh lining all of her clothes and uniforms that allow her to appear to be human. While holographic, it is called "hard-light" which mean it has form and substance. If someone were to feel her face, they would feel her human face. But underneath this hard-light mask is the head, talons, feathers and feet of a bird of prey.

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Sword: Warhawk carries an ancient sword that is spelled to harness the energy her wings produce in motion. This gives the sword a destructive and explosive impact. But it takes some time to recharge.

Armor: Though normally listed under Paraphernalia her armor are designed to be used as weapons. The "elbow" of each wing has metal blades to not only protect them from impact, but can be used to slice through an opponent. Her head gear is spike for head butting. Each piece of armor doubles as a weapon that she continues to train in their effectiveness.

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Vocal Strain: Her vocal cords are susceptible to injury from excessive strain in using her sonic powers.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Twin: Chayara has a twin brother, Sean Catary, II. Chayara is the older sibling by just a few minutes.

Family Name: In order to establish a line here on Eden, and in accordance with her peoples tradition, Chayara is named after her mother, Hat'hor'cha'yar'aca'ssi'dy, 2nd Generation of the 6th Dynasty. However, unlike humans, in Shi'tha'nar'ian culture, the females add the last letter of the fathers name to the end of their name. Therefore, Hat'hor'cha'yar'aca'ssi'dy becomes Hat'hor'cha'yar'aca'ssi'dyr, 3rd Generation of the 6th Dynasty.

Carnivore: She is a meat-eater.

Sibling Differences: She does not care about fashion and only about the science of a thing. She is also more of a fighter than her brother is.

Family Legacy: Her current incarnation is the offspring of a direct-line descendant of Hat'hor. She is now the great15 grandchild of her original self.

Weird Relationships: Neither Shiera or Kurt Bâtsôn know that the two of them are related. In her previous incarnation, Shiera had a son who died before his child was born. His child is Kurt. The only person who knows of the relationship is Kurt's biological mother, Snow Raven Essex.