Merlyn Emrys
Art by: Joshua W. Murcray
Merlyn Emrys
The Architect

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

This is a story for another time.

Or you could just go HERE.

Little else is known about the origins of Merlyn Emrys. Even his name may not even be his. Merlyn being from the legend of King Arthur, and Emrys is an old Cymry term for "Wise". However, the ancient Druids claimed Emrys meant "Beginning of the End." Emrys is also a Welsh name meaning "immortal." In Roman times, Emrys would be anglicized and becomes "Ambrosius."

Perhaps describing Merlyn Emrys will help understand his past.

Merlyn Emrys is almost pure light. His body looks solid, and can feel solid, but it glows with an inner yellow light and, at times, appears to be made of glass or crystal.

His hair, eyebrows, and beard are pure white (image above is not completely accurate), though at times they appear silver. Even after an encounter with him, forensics have not found any trace of hair or skin flakes anywhere. It is possible he does not shed skin and hair like regular humans do.

His right arm has purple tattoos of star charts and what looks to be the symbols from the old television show, Stargate. On his left arm are tattoos of ancient calendars from the Mayans, Egyptians, Aztec, Incan and more.

Merlyn Emrys rarely, if ever, wears footwear. Nor does he wear gloves. Since he seems to be impervious to everything, it may be he just does not feel either is necessary. He does seem to favor trenchcoats, though not always with sleeves. So far he has never been seen in shorts.

Merlyn Emrys has shown a temper at times, but almost always it has been in the face of lies and deceit and deliberate evil acts. He does not tolerate fools well and has been known to use his vast powers to make a point, as he did when someone claimed to be invincible as they shot up a mall in the early 1990's. The police could not stop the man as his body armor protected him. Merlyn Emrys arrived to confront the shooter. The crazed man once more claimed he was invincible and that no one but God could touch him. Merlyn Emrys stepped through the hail of gunfire and ripped the mans heart from his chest and body armor. Before the man died, Merlyn Emrys looked him in the eye and showed the man his own heart.

Merlyn Emrys told him, "You are not invincible. You are mortal. If you harm another living soul, I will return and send you to meet God."

Merlyn Emrys then put the mans heart back into his chest and healed him. The police were able to capture the shooter then. Before leaving, Merlyn Emrys swept his arm through the air and healed all those who had been injured in this attack and then simply vanished.

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DURABILITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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WATER SPEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Art by: Chunyu Wang

Avatar Physiology:

When an Angel of the Eagle Host appeared to Merlyn (not his real name) and Blessed him by gifting him a Battle Spear from Heaven, it turned his skin to a glowing bright yellow and made him the Source of Creation of this new universe, the one that is called Earth-3175.

Source of Creation:

Merlyn is the source of creation for Earth-3175. However, even he claims there is one higher than him. As the Source, Merlyn has control over all life, be it sentient or not within Earth-3175.


Merlyn can literally do anything. However, there is one restriction. Merlyn must always speak the truth. It isn't a blatant rule, but instead of lying or being dishonest, Merlyn will always roundabout the conversation with extended dialogue or confusing syntax.

Some examples of what he can do:

_____Blessed Healing: Merlyn can augment one's natural physiology, promoting healing. Merlyn essentially allows a being to regenerate, healing at a near-instantaneous rate. If Merlyn was somehow injured, his body can heal damaged tissue faster and much more extensively than a human due to his control over his bodily molecules. His accelerated healing is at its peak while he is in prayer or meditation with the deity who chose him. In this coma-like state of suspended animation Merlyn can recover from any wounds, even fatal ones. Merlyn can regenerate his entire body from total disintegration (down to the sub-atomic level), endlessly, if his consciousness survives. He is also able to do the same for others.

_____Cosmic Stamina: Merlyn's blessed musculature produces no fatigue toxins. Merlyn doesn't need to rest. Being merged with the universe, he never runs out of energy.

_____Enhanced Senses: Merlyn's senses are far more acute than any normal human. He has been able to sense the heartbeat of a child inside of an unnoticeably pregnant woman, from across the globe. Merlyn has a divine connection to the flow of magic on Eden. He can also sense good and evil around him and in people.

_____Enhanced Hearing: If sound can carry far enough, Merlyn could hear a whisper from anywhere on Eden.

_____Enhanced Vision: Merlyn states he can read atoms, or with telescopic distances, having once remarked about the awesome power of a sandstorm on Ma'aleca'andra. His vision allows him to see in the murky ocean depths, underground and even at the center of Eden.

_____Flight: Merlyn is not restrained by basic physical laws and can levitate and fly at will. When he wants to Merlyn can grow a pair of wings, granting him winged flight, which grants him flight at incredible speeds and with a high degree of control. However, he does not need wings to fly, and often is seeing soaring without them.

_____Godlike Durability: Merlyn possesses incredible durability and is invulnerable to any physical harm. His durability has allowed him to walk across the sun unharmed. At this point it does not appear anything in this universe can harm him.

_____Hope Projection: As all know, Truth brings Hope to a world lost in Lies. As the embodiment of Hope and Truth, Merlyn has immense power for casting and instilling hope in others. He can bring hope to entire worlds. Sometimes Merlyn will create solid energy constructs like the loved ones of people feeling despair or rage to give them hope. His energy projection abilities are colored blue.

_____Hyper Speed: Rather than teleporting, Merlyn may choose to boost the speed of an existing form of travel (ex. Bowen Force). He can boost the speed of said form of travel up to light speed.

_____Immortality: After his transformation, Merlyn never appears to age physically and mentally. He stated that his appearance was based on his perception of himself, and since his perception of himself does not change, his appearance does not change or age. As a living entity of Earth-3175, Merlyn is, for all purposes, undying.

_____Incalculable Strength: While in microscopic size, superhuman heights or in a seemingly normal form, he has displayed great physical strength such as hurling tanks, lifting planetary structures, and heaving delicate technological equipment about. Merlyn can easily lift/move/press over 100 tons and has been seen moving planets that were knocked out of orbit.

Merlyn Emrys

_____Magic (Celestial Physics Manipulation): Merlyn, of course, knows magic. He would not have been called Merlin the Magician in ancient times if he didn't! He almost never uses spoken spells or magical rituals more complex than a seance or a circle of entrapment. However, his magical prowess knows no bounds and has a divine connection to the flow of magic on Eden. When Merlyn is acting within his Aerie, he is supremely powerful. He seems to only be baffled or bested by universal forces or when taken by surprise, which is very rare. However, what humans call magic is really the manipulation of the physics of reality. Merlyn understands the very physics of reality and has the ability to alter them to suit his needs. He has used this to change people to stone, animate statues, and revert the damage he has done to buildings back to normal. He has even used these metaphysical forces for illusion & memory conjuration, matter reconstruction, healing, as well as total physical restoration of damaged or destroyed bodily tissues of others.

_____Metahuman Agility: Able to shift between solid, liquid, energy, or gas at will, allowing freedom of movement beyond anything previously known. Merlyn's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. He can perform acrobatic feats in the air enough to enable him to easily evade/dodge most military aircraft.

_____Possession: Merlyn can cause a person to become possessed with overwhelming Hope and to be able to give Hope to others, spreading it, just by being in the area. This, in history books, usually gets recorded as inspiration or encouragement.

_____Power Distribution: Merlyn can grant powers and/or abilities to anyone he wishes. This change can be temporary or permanent. He can also remove another's powers or abilities.

_____Power Enhancement: Merlyn may increase any power, or strength to an infinite degree. This enhancement lasts for as long as Merlyn wills it. He can increase another meta-mutant's powers to incredible levels as well.

_____Power Manipulation: Merlyn can directly activate and control the superpowers of other beings, without taking control of their body or mind.

_____Power Negation: He can prevent others from using their superpowers, possibly suppressing them altogether. Whether this is from placing mental blocks in the minds of others or deactivating their meta-mutant gene or simply altering their genetic code, returning them to a normal human, is unclear.

_____Reality Alteration: Merlyn can create new universes with even the most casual act, as well as destroy them. He can merge multiple timelines that he has hold of into one. This far-reaching power allows Merlyn the ability to do what one wants, to fulfill wishes or break the laws of reality, logic, and physics. Merlyn may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he sees fit. Any changes made will last unless he is not concentrating on maintaining the alteration. When the change is no longer maintained, normal reality will bounce back into place at once. However, Merlyn may be convinced to make some small changes permanent or make temporary ones on a universal scale.

_____Revival of Dead/Dying Stars: Merlyn can de-age dying or dead stars into blue stars.

_____Self-Sustenance: Merlyn can survive and communicate in outer space, underwater and even underground. Though he does not seem to need air, except to speak, or even food or water, that does not stop him from occasionally enjoying a meal.

_____Transmutation: He can perform some feats of transmutation, such as turning fired bullets into flowers and sticks into snakes and back. He once paid a blacksmith by transmuting an iron bar into gold.


In his study of the fractured timelines of alternate realities, Merlyn learned that he exists as one entity across all universes throughout the past, present, and future. This allows him to live in all these universes simultaneously. Though he rarely uses it, Merlyn has the ability to exist simultaneously in all places and at all times.


Sometimes called "all-knowledge", Omniscience is a term used to describe the ability of some to see and know all things at/in all times. This ability can be misunderstood as supreme understanding of everything. However, it is simply knowing everything and having marginal understanding of it. In Earth-3175, Merlyn knows all that is happening within this universe. While he may not always understand it at first, given time he will. For example, Merlyn perceives time in a non-linear fashion. This means that he sees the past, present, and the future simultaneously. Likewise, he can grant others with this "atemporal" vision. While originally limited to only his perception of time, Merlyn later learned to view the timelines of others, as well as possible timelines that never happened. He was able to see the entire timeline of the Earth-1 and Earth-616 when merging them with his own. Merlyn's mind is far more enhanced than that of a normal human. He has perceived events so tiny and so fast they can hardly be said to have occurred at all. Merlyn can multi-task and interact with information at a multitude of levels. He claims that he also possesses a level of "higher consciousness" that is constantly watching the environment at a spiritual level. Some examples of this power are:

_____Oneiromancy: He can send dreams of omen, warning, or information.

_____Spectral Sight: He can see spiritual entities and travelers invisible to normal sight. This includes demons, angels, ghosts, pookas, leprechauns and souls. He can perceive magical events at a great distance.

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Everything: So far there does not appear to be anything that Merlyn Emrys cannot do.

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Merlyn Emrys

Avatar Apparel: His apparel seems to be part of his abilities as they shapeshift with him and he can mentally repair them with a thought. His clothes also seem to be as tough and adaptable as he is.

Merlyn's Armor: Built by the angels of Heaven and blessed with angelic magic, like his Battle Spear, Merlyn can summon or dispel his armor at will, having it appear already on him, or disappear back to wherever, or whenever, Merlyn has it stored. Merlyn does not need the armor and it appears to be just an outfit he uses from time-to-time.

The Aerie: Built by heavenly materials, Merlyn has access to a large tower which is invisible to most humans and sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Functioning as his home, Merlyn primarily uses it to meditate and have some alone time.

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Art by: Oleg Bulatnikov

Michael's Battle Spear: Merlyn was given this Battle Spear on the day of his blessing and convergence, by Michael, the Archangel. Because the Battle Spear is controlled by Merlyn's will, the Battle Spear can cut literally anything, including otherwise intangible objects and people, and even dimensional fabric itself. At full power, Merlyn was once able to cut a hole in the dimensional barrier separating Heaven and Eden, enabling himself and certain knights to transverse planes of existence. When thrown, the Battle Spear flies straight and never misses the target Merlyn intended. The Battle Spear will return to Merlyn's grasp should he call it to him. Otherwise it will stay where it is, unable to be moved or taken by anyone but Merlyn. The Battle Spear is another extension of Merlyn's powers, though he does not need it to use his powers. The Battle Spear, when Merlyn is not using it, seems to disappear, as Merlyn stores it out-of-sync with time, allowing him to retrieve it at any moment or place.

Various: At times, Merlyn has been seen wielding a sword, bow and arrow, throwing knives, darts, axes, crossbows, guns, laser pistols and even a purple lightsaber. He is rarely seen with any of these items on his person, but he can call them into existence in an instant.

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Overconfidence: But is it overconfidence if you are literally the most powerful being in existence?

Talkative: A weakness of a different sort is his oft-noticed tendency to speak too much; but this could be that he is lonely.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Merlyn EmrysCostume Changes: Since his costume and overall look is controlled by his will, his costume and overall look shifts from time-to-time and is not always the same each time he appears. It really depends on his mood.

Fourth Wall: It has been hinted that Merlyn can break the Fourth Wall.

Superhero Fan: He is a fan of just about all known T.I.T.A.N.S. and their Reserves, Academy members, Sanctioned individuals and even a few Rogues. To the point of asking for a selfie with them or an autograph.