Art by: Joshua W. Murcray

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

Born deaf, when she underwent surgery to repair her hearing, the moment she heard her first sound her meta-mutant abilities activated.

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The ability to create various sonic effects through the combined action of her gadgets and limited psionic powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces.

Enhanced Hearing: Harmony was born deaf. She was treated and medically given her hearing, later on with her auditory knowledge she further augmented her hearing.

Sound Manipulation: Harmony's ability to control others through sound might be due to her inventions that she wears as gauntlets, which are designed to bring the sounds she produce into the lower hertz range and sync with the 13Hz range which is the same level as brain waves. The power is remarkably effective as she finds new and innovative ways to manipulate people and things using sound.

Psycho Sonic Conduction/Reality Warping: This is usually achieved through her playing an instrument, like her beloved violen or flute. She has shown the ability to manifest varios effects like:

_____Mind Warping: This allows her to manipulate emotions, induce hallucinations in others or control minds completely.

_____Flight: Harmony can levitate but no faster than her top running speed.

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Genius Level Intellect: A genius of sonic theories and sound-based sonic technology.

Master Musician: Through the study of sound Harmony has become a master of instrumental based composition, showing an unmatched skill in the wind instruments as well as the violin; creating songs with seamless effort.

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Musical Instruments: Harmony always carries her beloved violin with her as well as at least one type of flute.

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Sonic Devices: Harmony also employs a number of devices that can generate or amplify sound for different purposes.

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Strain: Like any normal person, the longer she plays, the more tired she becomes. With practice and sheer willpower, Harmony has been able to play the violin for up to 12-hours straight and the flute for at least half that time.

Alcoholism: A recovering alcoholic.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Tempting Jesus: Since Harmony cannot drink alcohol, she pours water into wine bottles so that she can pretend it is wine. She also does this to test if God is on her side. She says if Jesus loves her then he will turn the water into wine.