Photon - Art by TheAnarchangel
Art by: TheAnarchangel

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

At the age of 21, Gabrielle Rambeau had finally raised enough money from her TikTok account to afford the surgeries necessary to transition to being a male. On July 19th she went under anesthesia. Slightly more than 5 hours later the surgeons had just finished the complete transformation of Gabrielle to Gabriel. That was when The Great Burn swept across the globe. Gabriel was still open on the surgery table, as the nurses were still working on closing him up. The Great Burn swept through the room and when it hit Gabriel it activated his meta-mutant gland which triggered a portal, infusing him with energy from an extra-dimension.

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Energy Form:

Due to bombardment by extra-dimensional energies, Photon can transform himself into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum. Among the many energy forms, he has assumed and is able to control are gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, electricity, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. He apparently accomplished this transformation by mentally shunting the matter of his body into the dimension from which he draws his energy, and replacing it with a corresponding amount of energy. His mind remains in the dimension to control the energy-parcel that has taken the place of his body. By assuming an energy-form, he gains all of that energy's properties. Photon is apparently unlimited by the amount of time that he can remain in his energy-form. He can seemingly only transform himself into one wavelength of energy at a time, but he can transform between one energy-state and another in a fraction of a second. As noted above, the limit to the amount of energy he can transmit through his body at a given time is not known. Extensive energy transformation and manipulation can be physically taxing once he returns to his physical form.

Appearance Alteration: Photon can use his facility over light to modulate his energy and modify his appearance, and outwardly take the form of other people. However, when he does so, he does not actually change his physical shape nor can he emulate their biometrics.

Eidetic Memory: Ever since he acquired his powers, Photon's photographic memory improved, allowing him to have total recall of everything he sees. Shift theorizes this is an effect of a latent cosmic awareness that he has due to being an energy consciousness.

Energy Duplication: When he encounters a new or unfamiliar energy, Photon can often duplicate it given enough time for analysis.

Energy Absorption: He is capable of absorbing energy given his own energy form is of the right type and at the right wavelength.

Energy Blasts: He mentally controls both type and quantity of energy he wishes to transmit. It is not known the maximum amount of energy he can transmit at a given time. Photon can also divert energy (hard light for example) for use as force beams, which have the equivalent of 300 tons of TNT of explosive force.

Flight: He is capable of flight in any of his wavelengths.

Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Photon mentioned that while he takes on a hard light semblance to resemble the human form, he does not process sensory reception like a regular being anymore. His consciousness perpetuates approximate human senses allowing him to know just what he is seeing, hearing or feeling and translating it to something his physiology recognizes. To this extent he is also aware when something is grievously wrong with the universe as well, having prophetic dreams of a cage around the universe.

Intangibility: He can phase through solid matter and certain energy fields depending on their wavelengths.

Invisibility: He is often invisible in most of his forms but can make himself appear visible.

Light Auras:

While Photon does have the ability to absorb and re-channel energy, when he uses it, depending on the use, he generates various colored auras within himself, that are viewable through his skin, which have different effects. Each color corresponds to a different effect, certain colors can be mixed and multiple colors can be used at the same time.

_____Red Halo: Photon can produce destructive heat beams to melt or burn enemies.

_____Orange Halo: Photon can produce powerful concussive force beams to knock back enemies.

_____Yellow Halo: Photon can produce brilliant flashing lights to stun or blind enemies.

_____Green Halo: Photon can produce halting stasis beams to stop and manipulate enemies.

_____Blue Halo: Photon can produce distorting holographic effects to confuse or disturb enemies.

_____Indigo Halo: Photon can produce physical tractor beams that can pull or push enemies.

_____Violet Halo: Photon can produce empowering mental effects.

Superhuman Speed: Photon is capable of moving and reacting at superhuman speeds ranging from the speed of sound to lightspeed while in his energy form.

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Eidetic Memory

Master Combatant: Photon is a master at hand-to-hand combat. His skills are increased thanks to his training with The T.I.T.A.N.S..

Multilingual: Photon speaks French, Portuguese and English.

Music: Photon has a natural aptitude for music and, in high school, had joined the marching band, playing the tuba.

Nautical Expertise

Skilled Detective

Skilled Leader: Photon has strong leadership skills and is currently learning some law enforcement skills.

Strong Swimmer

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Color Spectrum Negation: The negation of the color spectrum will negate Photon's powers. This means drowning him in complete absence of light.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Costume Change: Photon can alternate between his costume and civilian clothes instantly. This transition is accompanied by an aura of primarily black color, with white blotches of light.

Not From This World: Photon's power is from an extradimensional world locked inside light particles. He can create, detect and manipulate subtle radiation.

Voice: If this becomes a cartoon, the voice of Photon should be done by Elliot Page.