Art by: Marvel Comics

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
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Magnetic Field Manipulation:

She has the ability to manipulate magnetism. Although she has not yet reached her full potential, one aspect of her gifts is her ability to use the magnetic lines, sometimes called “ley lines” to "speed" across great distances. Outside of her Superhuman Speed, she has also exhibited an ability to manipulate magnetic, electrical, and gravitational fields. The exact limits on the amount weight that she can magnetically lift at present have not been measured but she has been able to carry up to two other full-grown humans while traveling along magnetic lines. It is unknown whether Rush's powers are purely psionic or whether they derive from her physically.

She has shown such fine-tuned skills as to nearly liquefy, mend, and reconstruct metallic objects, and has some level of influence on the ferrous metals that reside in everything. She once mended and reconstructed silverware and metallic plates into a metallic belt, which she continues to wear (not pictured), as an on-hand weapon or shield.

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes

Vortex Creations

Accelerated Healing

Enhanced Senses


Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Stamina

Magnetic Force-Fields

Limited Magnetic Flight

Electromagnetic Sight

Magnetic Pulse

Energy Absorption

Geomagnetic Link

Organic Iron Manipulation

Metal/Matter Manipulation

Metal Morphing

Bowen Force Aura

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Rush possesses expertise in geophysics, and has earned a Master's degree in that field.

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Rush has a propensity for mental illness and depression. Rush has, at various times, suffered mental breakdowns, episodes of mental illness and severe depression.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)