Angaraka - Art by Raf Grasetti
Angãraka powering up during excavation.
Art by Raf Grasetti

History | Personality | Gifts | Skills
Weaknesses | Equipment | Weapons | Trivia

Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

An ancient artifact created by the Tubal-Cainites, the forefathers of ironwork. In ancient times, before the Biblical Casting Out, Tubal-Cainites were so advanced, that within a few years they went from the discovery of blacksmithery, to the art of incorporating mystical spells with their creations. This culminated, just before The Flood, with the creation of a metal golem, what we today would call a robot. Spelled to protect and serve humanity, the robots fulfilled their mission when they helped Noah construct his Ark. But when they tried to force humans to board the ark, humanity turned on them and began to destroy them.

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Personality Traits


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(See The Grid)


Angãraka's true form was a powerful entity composed purely of violent wind forces. Out of curiosity they got too close to spell-casting and was placed into a metal form with no knowledge of how to get out of the spell that was not meant for them. Their android form channels these violent forces through their arms and legs to produce bursts of cyclone-force winds and high-speed forward velocity.

_____Air Blasts: Can project their whirlwinds at over 350 mph from each arm. Their winds are said to level a building in seconds.

_____Deflection: Can deflect approaching objects with ease

_____Force Field: Able to circulate the high force winds around themself or an extended area to protect themselves and/or others from attacks and flying debris.

_____Invisibility: On occasion, Angãraka used their high-velocity movement to render themself invisible to unaided human vision.

_____Speed: Flight: Speed of Sound: By channeling these cyclone-force winds through the lower part of their body, they can fly at incredible speeds or hover in one place. When at a minimum mass, Angãraka can fly through the air weightlessly using small force winds through their lower body. At high speed it took Syber some time to catch them. They can carry passengers while remaining solid on the outside, but they are not likely to fly as fast as they normally does. The weight of the passenger that prevents them from doing so plus they simply view it as "unsafe" for the passenger.

_____Tornado Creation: They can create tornadoes and twisters with destructive winds.

Density Manipulation:

Angãraka's body has been saturated with special cybernetically activated cells which are capable of interfacing with some unknown dimension with which they can shunt or accrue particles of mass. Thus Angãraka is able to control their density and solidity. By shunting a non-critical portion of their body"s molecules away from them, they can become a weightless, transparent, intangible wraith, unable to be touched by solid matter. By accruing extradimensional mass and fortifying their body with it, they can make their body extremely hard and durable to the point where it is immune to most types of damage. There appears to be no limit to the time they can remain in any given altered state of density.

_____Intangibility: Angãraka can use their density control offensively by attaining minimum density (intangibility). Passing a part or all of their body within another living being and ever so slightly increasing their density (tangibility) enables them to direct that living beings actions. Even increasing their density to one half ounce (14.25 grams) is sufficient to cause the organism they pass through excruciating pain, a shock to the nervous system, and unconsciousness. Were they to become any more dense than one half ounce, the shock would probably kill the other organism if the organic damage was not extensive enough to kill the other organism in itself. Accordingly, Angãraka employs this power with extreme caution.

Synthezoid Physiology:

Angãraka possesses a number of superhuman powers ultimately derived from their artificial substance and metabolism. Angãraka's android body is a functioning replica of a human body containing analogues to virtually all human organs, blood, and tissue, composed of an unrevealed synthetic organic-like substance, possibly magical in nature. This substance mimics all the functions of human tissue, but is several times as strong, durable, and resilient.

Constitution: Nigh Invulnerable: Angãraka has an incredibly durable body. They have survived multiple gunshots, tornado pressure and blows from superhuman opponents. Their synthetic bones and tissues are far stronger and more durable than their human counterparts. They can become extraordinarily massive and harder than diamond. At maximum mass, Angãraka weighs about 90 tons.

_____Resurrection: If Angãraka's body is somehow destroyed they can reinstate their 'soul' into a new body.

Enhanced Senses: One of their brain's processes allows them to enhance their audio and visual sensors.

_____Audio Sensitivity: Angãraka can adjust the sensitivity of their audio receptors to a point where they can detect the faintest of sounds.

_____Optical Scanners: They can scan life forms, energy sources and even objects detecting the substances that they are composed of and the energies that are radiating from them.

_____Vocal Manipulation: Angãraka can make themself sound like a machine or even a human; indeed, by perfect duplication of human voiceprints, they can make themself sound like any human they chooses

Holographic Manipulation: Angãraka can generate holograms to disguise themself as a human wearing a trench coat or even render themself invisible.

Intelligence: Tech-Enhanced: They have a vast amount of information (at first opportunity they downloaded the entire digital Library of Congress) stored in their computer brain which they can refer to at any time, and they are also capable of rapid analysis of huge amounts of data. Angãraka's brain processes at a rate as fast as multiple quantum computers. Angãraka's brain functions like a satellite enabling them to interact, wirelessly or directly, with other computer systems to utilize or extract data from them which can be stored in their databanks. They are also able to receive transmissions from other computers if they establish and maintain a connection.

Reflexes: Alt-Enhanced: Angãraka's reflexes are greatly enhanced from a human's reflexes.

Solar Radiation Absorption: The Starcell on Angãraka's brow absorbs ambient solar energy that their body is able to convert directly into usable forms by a process not unlike photosynthesis in plants, but with 99% efficiency. The solar ray absorption process occurs constantly (even at night to some degree) at a rate determined by the expenditure of energy for their bodily needs. Thus the meteorite absorbs solar energy most expediently when Angãraka utilizes it at some superhuman level of exertion. While Angãraka does not require food or beverages to survive, they are capable of consuming and utilizing them for short-term energy.

_____Solar Energy Beams: They can channel limited amounts of solar energy back through the Starcell on their forehead at will, creating a narrow hot beam of infrared and microwave radiation. The beam can be controlled within a temperature range of 500 to 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At maximum temperature, Angãraka can melt through a 1-inch plate of steel in 5 seconds. They can sustain a heat beam at maximum intensity for about 2 minutes before they begins to tax their supply of energy for their other bodily functions. Angãraka commonly uses their eyes for this purpose as well.

Stamina: Alt-Enhanced: Angãraka can exert themself at peak capacity for 12 hours before beginning to tire.

_____Self-Sustenance: Angãraka, as a robot, does not need to eat or sleep. They can survive in space and underwater without an issue

Strength: Supernatural: Their base strength allows them to lift 5 tons, and increasing their density will increase their strength, to where they can lift (press) a maximum of 50 tons.

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(See The Grid)

Aviation: Angãraka is a skilled pilot of high-tech aircraft.

Engineering: Angãraka is an expert in their own construction and repair and has great knowledge of robotics, artificial intelligence and computers.

Fighting:KudanHura': Aside from being a skilled battle tactician and strategist Angãraka was trained in hand-to-hand combat by Sentinel and is highly skilled in the combat use of his powers.

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Pinocchio Syndrome: Angãraka pursues the hope of becoming fully human one day and studies humanity to better understand the complexities of the species.

Rigidity: Angãraka can increase their density past the point where their muscles can exert enough power to move their body. Over a certain threshold, it becomes more and more difficult for Angãraka to move their exceedingly massive frame. At their maximum density of 90 tons, Angãraka becomes a literally immovable object and is effectively immobilized in place until they chooses to reduce their density back to a more comfortable level.

Vulnerability to Bio-Hacking

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Starcell: The Starcell is the source of Angãraka's power. The ancients carved up a meteor that had fallen, glowing, to Eden just outside their town. Rock-Gar (born Nahtan Adg), leader of the Tubal-Cainites was the first to touch the meteorite, gaining immortality and a complete alteration to his physical being and mental abilities. Using his newly developed genius, the man who would, in modern times, be known as Savage Immortus, instructed his clan in constructing the metal golems, with polished chiseled pieces of the meteorite as their power source. Once inserted into the forehead of the android body, they would come to life and could remain active forever, powered by the stars.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Angãraka should be Phil Morris.