Requin Tigre - Art by JerryLSchick
Art by: JerryLSchick
Requin Tigre
French: Tiger Shark

History | Gifts
Paraphernalia | Weapons
Weaknesses | Personality Traits | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

Arthur Atlan was concieved on at a lighthouse/farm by runaway Prince Logan Atlan of Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, and lighthouse keeper Elizabeth Curry on the eastern coast of Ikkarumikluak aamma Nunatsuak, Kanata. The couple were married in secret by a friendly local priest soon after and Logan moved in to the lighthouse to help his pregnant new wife.

But fear that his fathers elite squad would come after him, Prince Logan had to return to Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος in order to protect his budding family from persecution by the people of the sea.

On November 26th, 1832, Arthur James Atlan was born to single mother, Elizabeth Curry. When he was just one-year-old Elizabeth began to be courted by a kind-hearted farmer, named Thomas James Howlett, who had recently bought land adjacent to the lighthouse. Another year later and two would be married, with Thomas adopting Arthur as his son, renaming him Arthur James Atlan Howlett.

Many years later, Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, at the turn of the century, takes the event as a sign that their true king was to be revealed to them, for their current one was dying. A dedicated and almost religiously fanatic group of government officials create a task force, called Deep Six, to find and bring their lost king home

Deep Six, using old manuscripts and legends, come across a possible location for the birth of their lost king. Somewhere on the coast of what land-dwellers call Ikkarumikluak aamma Nunatsuak

Deep Six locates the Curry-Howlett Farm where they are greeted by Arthur and his wife. Arthur rejects their offer to return to Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, for he would not leave his family. Deep Six is adamant and refuses to leave when they try to take Arthur by force. Arthur's wife, Kako O'Hara and son, Arthur James Atlan Howlett II tried to step in and a fight ensued. During the fight, both Kako and young Arthur are killed and Arthur's claws manifest for the first time as he goes into a berserker rage, killing two of the Deep Six team. Deep Six do not fight back, immediately falling to the ground in homage to their king, causing Arthur to pause in his fury and realize that his claws marked him as the true King of Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος. Falling to the floor, weeping over the bodies of his wife and son, Arthur relents and agrees to go with Deep Six and then goes to bury his family.

Arthur James Atlan Howlett leaves his home for the last 68 years, escorted by Deep Six, to begin his reign as King of Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, Emperor of The World Ocean and Protector of The Blue.

Little else is publicly known about Requin Tigre. The artist sketch, seen above, is based on accounts told as local legend. They tell us he is a tall, muscular man with wavy, white hair and a thick, white beard. If this is true, he has changed dramatically since he left his fathers farm.

His left hand seems to be missing and ends in a stump covered over in what looks to be an ornate silver and gold.

His pants are multi-hued with burnished yellow-gold, deep sea green, and black stripes.

While he does not wear a shirt, his tattoos are of black stripes, and he wears a large megalodon tooth around his neck which is in keeping with the name locals have given him, Requin Tigre, which in French means "tiger shark".

But it is his claws that attract the most attention. Reports indicate he can retract these sharp claws back into his hand(s). While this image seems to show they are extremely long, it is believed that is just an extravagance on the part of the stories. Those in the scientific field believe that if he can retract them as stated, then they cannot be any longer than the distance from his elbow to his wrist, placing them at an approximate 12-inches.

What is known about this man is that he lives in the ocean. Fishermen, illegal poachers, pirates, and those shipwrecked have seen him so far out in the oceans that there is no way someone could be out there safely unless they could swim and breathe underwater.

When he has been seen on land it is usually off the eastern coast of the United Protectorates of North America.

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(See The Grid)

Atlantean Biological Adaptation:

The Atlanteans are an offshoot of humanity that is biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. For most Atlanteans, this means they can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and can only spend a very limited time out of water. They also possess superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability, all by-products of their body being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths. Requin Tigre's royal lineage makes him a super-Atlantean as well as super-human, and as such he has greater physical capabilities than a typical Atlantean.

_____Amphibious Nature: Requin Tigre, as an Atlantean, can breathe underwater and on land. He can be immersed indefinitely without suffering any ill effects but being super-Atlantean due to his royal lineage, he can survive on land longer than an average Atlantean. This length can be extended by the humidity in the atmosphere, but eventually prolonged dehydration will weaken him thus he must return to aquatic environments at various periods.

Accomplished Diplomat: His natural autocratic nature does not suit him well in environments where democracy is an issue, but His Majesty, Emperor Arthur James Atlan Howlett, Emperor of The World Ocean, Protector of The Blue, and King of Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος is a natural commander and his ability has served him well in the protection of the Atlantean Empire.

Animal Empathy: Requin Tigre has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around him and communicate with them on a very basic level. Requin Tigre has been seen to be able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.

Computer & Vehicles Expert: Requin Tigre is trained in the use of several computer systems and vehicle repair as well as being an accomplished pilot

Durability: Demi-Regenerative: Requin Tigre has superhuman durability due to a combination of his 8thbranium skeleton and the following natural abilities:

_____Regenerative Healing Factor: Requin Tigre's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. It is believed that this unique Gift is a meta-mutant ability inherited from his mother, Elizabeth Curry. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused. This process is automatic, and Requin Tigre seems to have no control over it. His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Requin Tigre from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself.

_____Contaminant Immunity: Requin Tigre's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated by alcohol. It can be accomplished with extraordinary amounts of alcohol, and even then, the entire cycle of intoxication and hangover can be completed in mere minutes

_____Decelerated Aging: In addition, Requin Tigre's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Requin Tigre was born November 26th, 1832. Although over 200 years of age, he retains the health, appearance, and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.

_____Energy-Heat Resistance: Requin Tigre is extremely resistant to energy/heat-based attacks.

_____Fatigue Resistance: Requin Tigre is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity.

_____Telepathic Resistance: Requin Tigre has stated to Onyx that he is resistant to telepathic probing, although he is not completely immune to telepathy as he does appear to be vulnerable to extremely powerful telepaths such as Thunderbird.

Fighting: Expert: Requin Tigre excels at hand-to-hand combat and overall martial art ability. His skill in battle is so proficient, that even when weakened, he held his own against Vigilante, even though he did not win.

_____Master Martial Artist: Requin Tigre has mastered virtually every form of hand-to-hand combat on Eden. Due to his age and experience, Requin Tigre has fought or trained with many heroes/rogues/villains in some form of fighting, these include: Almaeisha Almawt, Coucou, Cosmic Storm, Nacht Wunder, REDACTED, Solar Flare, Thunderbird, and REDACTED.

_____Weapons Expert: Requin Tigre is a trained expert with many guns, blades, explosives, and other weaponry due to his experiences as a soldier in the Atlantean army.

_____Expert Assassin: Requin Tigre has knowledge of several assassination techniques.

Intelligence: Genius: Requin Tigre is adept enough at complex cybernetic and mechanical engineering that he can reorganize the lost informational databases of The T.I.T.A.N.S. files and databases single handedly.

_____Expert Tactician: He has an advanced strategic sense and has natural leadership qualities.

_____Multilingual: A polyglot; Requin Tigre is fluent in many languages including Atlantean, English, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin, Cheyenne, Lakota, Inuktitut, Spanish, and Themykandan. Arthur also has some knowledge of Farsi, French, German, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, and the language of The Deep.

Marine Telepathy: Requin Tigre can communicate directly with sea life and has done so throughout most of his life. Currently, he requests their assistance, and they comply. Requin Tigre is also an accomplished telepath in general and can perform such telepathic feats as mind-to-mind communication, mind probes, mental domination of a non-aquatic mind, and mental attacks. The potency of such mental domination is unclear, but he has been seen to use his powers to great effect against the Drurllons.

Reflexes: Enhanced: Requin Tigre's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body. On several occasions, he was able to dodge Reverb's optic blasts with ease, although this is partly due to his enhanced senses. While no speedster, Requin Tigre's reflexes are superior to even near meta-mutants such as X-Terminator, and his reflexes are on the order of 12-15 times faster than a normal human.

Speed: Land: Subsonic: Requin Tigre can move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Muraña briefly thought Requin Tigre was faster than he was in their first fight/sparring. His combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, as he has frequently kept up with Muraña in combat, and blitzed people before they pulled their trigger fingers.

Speed: Water: Maximum: Requin Tigre is reported to be able to swim at 10,000 feet per second. 10,000 feet per second is more than 3,000 meters per second, or roughly 6,800 mph/10,943 kph.

_____Master Swimmer: Requin Tigre is probably the greatest swimmer in the world.


Stamina: Meta: Requin Tigre's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans. His stamina has been described as meta-mutant, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.

Strength: Level 75: Requin Tigre's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. He possesses superhuman strength on the order of 150 times human maximum (assuming a human max of 800 lbs), meaning approximately 60 tons, although he's shown feats of at least 80 tons worth of striking and lifting power.

Superhumanly Acute Senses: Requin Tigre's super-human senses are a combination of his natural Atlantean Physiology and his Regenerative Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans. His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Requin Tigre has claimed he can function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.

_____Superhuman Hearing: Requin Tigre is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human, but not as developed than Hellion.

_____Superhuman Sight: Requin Tigre sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human. His ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows him exceptional night vision while on land. He has claimed that his eyes are adapted to see at 6,000 fathoms (or 36,000 ft/10,972 m below the surface of the water).

_____Superhuman Smell: Requin Tigre's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone. Hellion once posited that Requin Tigre's sense of smell is slightly more developed than his.

_____Superhuman Taste: Requin Tigre can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drink he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.

_____Superhuman Touch: Requin Tigre's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air/water direction and temperature differentials in his environment. He can sense Reverb's incoming power beam based on the shift in air pressure that precedes its arrival.

Skilled Tracker: Due to his superhuman senses, Requin Tigre is one of the world's most skilled trackers.

Telekinesis: Arthur has an undefined level of telekinetic abilities that has been very rarely mentioned.

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8thbranium-Epsilon Skeleton: As part of the coronation process, Arthur's entire skeleton was coated in 8thbranium, a rare metal that Atlanteans believed was only located at the bottom of the ocean. How and when they found out about the 8thbranium mountain in Themykanda is a different story. The coating process included his bone claws. As a result, Arthur's bones are virtually unbreakable. The 8thbranium bonding process which affected his bones effectively transformed them into a new alloy called "8thbranium-Epsilon" which, combined with his healing factor, prevents his 8thbranium skeleton from interfering with his bone marrows production of blood cells.

_____8thbranium-Epsilon: 8thbranium-Epsilon is a metal that can bond to the human skeleton. The properties of 8thbranium-Epsilon is capable of bonding directly into the structure of skeletal material while not inhibiting the living nature of the bone. The only known occurrence of 8thbranium-Epsilon was during the coronation of Arthur James Atlan Howlett in Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος when it was bonded to Requin Tigre. During the second part of the procedure, they laced his bones with 8thbranium, and there was a reaction with his healing factor that bonded the metal with his skeleton. As a result from REDACTED research, the 8thbranium itself can regrow just as Arthur's natural bones can

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Retractable Bone Claws: Requin Tigre's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Requin Tigre could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with 8thbranium-Epsilon, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials. The presence of the 8thbranium-Epsilon has further enhanced the already razor-sharp edge of Arthur's bone claws. Aside from being practically indestructible, the claws are capable of cutting through any solid material, with the known exception of Proto-8thbranium (Sentinel's Shield). However, Arthur's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon the thickness of the substance and the amount of force he can exert. The 8thbranium-Epsilon also weighted his blows, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of his punches and kicks. His 8thbranium-Epsilon claws have been able to damage Ele'ele 'O Rokk, Wrath, Ragnarök, Tiapolotautai, have been shown to easily penetrate Grim Reaper's chest. Requin Tigre can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his forearms, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended.

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8thbranium Allotropes: 8thbranium has thirteen different allotropes (variants) that are very unstable compared to True 8thbranium because of their different molecular configurations and thus physical properties. For example, 8thbranium-9 caused Requin Tigre to become dizzy and weak just by being in close contact with it. 8thbranium of any variant can easily pierce his skin and prolonged contact to some variants can cause skin degradation.

Oceans Blade: With his prolonged life, healing ability, and nigh-indestructible skeleton, it was decided there needed to be a way to stop Requin Tigre should he ever turn on his people. Therefore, a sword was created by having Arthur's soul infused into an Atlantean katana. This causes the efficiency of his healing factor to be decreased dramatically if he sustains injury from the Oceans Blade. In testing it, Requin Tigre cut his forearm once with the blade and, though the injury was very minor, it did not heal completely for two days.

Sensory Overload: While his senses are superhumanly heightened, this can cause problems. A thunderclap could damage his sensitive hearing, noxious fumes could damage his sense of smell, etc.

Water Deprivation: Requin Tigre must return to water after a period of time or he will weaken. This is new since he became emperor and may be associated with the oaths as Emperor of The World Ocean.

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Personality Traits

According to Protectorate, it is not Requin Tigre's powers or fighting skills that make him dangerous, but his mind.

Requin Tigre is a gruff loner who has a strong sense of personal honor. Growing up in the countryside of the 1800's, he also had a wild, animal-like nature to him, being perfectly at home in the wilderness which he hunted with his father. He is known as one of the most fearless, brave, and dangerous men in the world, stated by Steve Harper.

Trust Issues: While he loved many women, including Kako O'Hara and Pearl Mera, there are only a few people that Requin Tigre truly trusts, who are Sentinel, Major Fury, Eve, and Muraña.

Religion and Faith: Requin Tigre does not believe in traditional religions, although he claimed to have prayed when he lived on land with his parents, revealing that he is Deistic in faith.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Blood Type: Arthur's blood is type O, Rhesus negative, or is the sole individual on Eden with the Blood Type E.

Correction: His claws DO retract, and they really are as long as they appear in the image. When retracted, all three claws, angled to look like one single spike, stick out the back of the elbow.

Crush: When Arthur first met Eve he had an immediate crush on her and still carries a secret longing for her to this day despite being married. It is believed this is because of her similarity in looks to a past love of his.

Physical Attributes: Requin Tigre has animal-like canine teeth. His skin is almost as white as his hair. Probably due to lack of sunlight at the depths that he resides.

Smell: According to Muraña, Requin Tigre, when fresh out of the water, smells like "a wet dog that is always drunk".

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Requin Tigre should be Joe Ochman.