The Mummy
Art by: Legendary: Game Of Heroes
The Mummy

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

All Hath-Karim wanted, was to become a High Priest and have riches and respect. That and he really wanted to meet a god. One day he was offered a chance to join the ranks of the low-priests of Set. Taking his chance and hoping that he could attain High Priesthood, he studied hard and did all that he was asked.

But the High Priest of Set only sneered at him and bullied him. He was set despicable tasks and belittled endlessly. One day while out picking fresh fruit for the High Priest, Hath-Karim saw a giant walk toward him and reach for the same fruit Hath-Karim was picking.


Anubis, God of the Dead

The giant was the god, Anubis! As the god looked him in the eye all Hath-Karim could think to say was, "I'm picking fruit for the High Priest of Set who hates me." He was immediately horrified at blurting out this truth, especially to a god! Would Anubis tell Set who would tell his High Priest?

Before he could apologize, Anubis' dog head shook from side-to-side and said, "You do your duty, but he dishonors you and his god with his actions. Stay and pick fruit, or come to my temple and I will honor your allegiance."

Hath-Karim immediately gathered his bounty and followed Anubis to his temple and used the fruit meant for the High Priest of Set, as an offering to the Anubis priests who welcomed him, happily. It was during this time that he became the first designer of the great statue that would one day be called The Sphinx, in honor of Anubis.


Artist Rendering

For some time he was content in his progress within the Priesthood of Anubis, having met the god and knowing he was literally called to serve him. All was good until the day he stumbled through a hedge while trying to catch a hare for the stew-pot in the temple, and he came upon the bathing pools of the gods. There he beheld Hathor as she disrobed and spread her wings while slowly lowering herself into the pool where her attendants bathed her. He was in love. Instantly he knew he could not worship any other god than her. He immediately renounced Anubis and joined the priesthood of Hathor. Upon meeting her face-to-face she recognized him from the bathing pool and raised him to become next in line to be her High Priest.

It was during a skirmish with followers of Set that Hathor's High Priest was killed and Hath-Karim, became Hath-'abu alhul, High Priest of Hathor. However, within five years his whole world would be turned upside-down. For the "gods" were being questioned too much by the commoners as foreigners infiltrated and sowed dissent. Soon the "gods" decided it was time to return to the stars, claiming the people had learned all they needed from them.

Hath-'abu alhul gathered his fellow priests of Hathor and decided to Bless their goddess and her brother, ending the Blessing with, "May both of you return to us one day, never to part again." Upon hearing this Blessing both Hathor and Horus were stunned and appalled, but it was too late. The powers had been cast, the Blessing had been uttered and now only Time would tell how this would end. As Hathor and Horus rose up into their celestial chariot to be taken back home to the stars, home of the gods, the god Set stepped in front of Hath-'abu alhul and took hold of him, saying, "You left my service for another, only to cast that one aside for yet another. From this day forward no master will have you, your goddess will never accept you, and your own body will never truly die. Thus I curse you with ever-lasting life, but without a life of your own." And with those words, Set shoved the sacred Amulet of the Heart into the chest of Hath-'abu alhul, mystically embedding it into his breastbone. He had been given immense power, but a power that was also a curse and would take years to study and understand.

The day after all the "gods" had left, foreigners invaded and Hath-'abu alhul was captured and bound in a crude form of embalming with no ceremony or proper technique. Stuffed into a plain sarcophagus and tossed into a refuse pit, Hath-'abu alhul was left, buried alive in filth and the remains of his fellow Egyptians. He remained there until an excavation team in the late 1800's were clearing out the Temple of Hathor in preparation of opening a new wing for tourism. When they dropped his sarcophagus, it cracked enough for him to pry it open form the inside, scaring all the workers as he emerged from his eons-long tomb, still wrapped in embalming ribbons, wearing his priestly head coverings. Once free of his prison he began to feel stronger. Looking back he saw carvings on his sarcophagus keeping him imprisoned and stopping him from using his powers.

Free at last, Hath-'abu alhul, now going by the simple name The Mummy wanders the Earth looking for signs of the gods, hoping they can remove this curse. He has joined with a rogue group called The Night's Guard fighting against the minions of darkness and evil, many of whom he finds are still answering to the commands of Set. One day he will be free from his curse and finally enter into the after-life.

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Theology: Hath-Karim was originally chosen to be a priest of Setekh (Set). But he became disillusioned and became a priest of Anubis. When he saw Hathor for the first time he switched again and this time eventually became Hath-'abu alhul, High Priest of Hathor.

Equestrianism: Since the horse was the main transport in Ancient Egypt, it is reasonable to assume that Hath-'abu alhul would have skill in riding.



Multilingualism: His native language is Ancient Egyptian, but he can speak English and seems to understand other languages.

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Amulet of the Heart:

The Amulet of the Heart

The Amulet of the Heart

The Mummy's powers stem from his having the mystic Amulet of the Heart, an ancient and sentient jewel of unknown origins that granted its wearer various superhuman attributes, embedded within his body. Known powers are:

Energy Manipulation & Control: The Amulet of the Heart enables The Mummy to manipulate vast quantities of mystical energy for several purposes including projecting powerful beams of concussive force, extraordinarily bright light, and extreme heat.

Flight: By channeling the energy of the Amulet of the Heart appropriately, The Mummy can fly at great speeds. The full limit of his flight speed is not known. The Mummy is also capable of flying unaided through the vacuum of space unharmed.

Immortality: The energies of the Amulet of the Heart also rendered The Mummy functionally immortal in the sense that he is immune to the effects of aging and to all known Earthly diseases and infections.

Possession: He can take the body of any of his descendants as a host for his spirit (a good parcel of the human population, as he was born tens of thousands years ago). However, this is temporary and his spirit must return to his mummified body when the 24-hour time limit expires.

Superhuman Durability: Due to the Amulet of the Heart's energies, The Mummy's body is highly resistant to physical injury. The Mummy can withstand powerful impact forces, falls from tremendous heights, exposure to extremes of both temperature and pressure, and powerful energy blasts without being injured. The Mummy is also capable of surviving without oxygen and within the vacuum of space.

Superhuman Stamina: The Amulet of the Heart energies course through The Mummy's body and has dramatically altered the efficiency of his reanimated musculature. His muscles produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him almost limitless superhuman stamina.

Superhuman Strength: The Amulet of the Heart grants The Mummy great superhuman strength. At his peak, The Mummy possesses sufficient strength to lift about 85 tons. However, The Mummy once briefly absorbed the energy of the ship-sized computer complex of Brainim Zoliac, which greatly increased his physical strength. Prior to having this power siphoned from him by Chernobog, The Mummy could lift somewhere far in excess of 100 tons.

Telepathy & Total Recall: The Amulet of the Heart also grants The Mummy some degree of telepathy, the full limits of which are not known. He is, however, capable of reading the minds of most sentient beings and is able to fully retain any knowledge or information he acquires.

Teleportation: The Mummy is capable of teleporting vast distances. However, the action is draining and the greater the distance the greater the drain on his powers.

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Sword of Reaping

The Sword of Reaping: This seemingly unwieldly sword is capable of sending spirits directly to the afterlife. Whether that is Purgatory, Heaven, or Hell, a fatal blow to the spirits of the dead and undead will send them on their way to whatever Afterlife they are destined for. The Sword is unbreakable as far as is known and can slice through nearly all matter, and even spells and electronic fields.

When the Sword is bonded with another God-made Sword, its powers are further increased to an unknown level.

The Sword of Reaping is one of twelve God-made Swords on this plane of existence.

The Sword of Spirit, is owned by Mālik.

The Sword of Might, is owned by Princeps Rex.

The Sword of Doom, is owned by Surtrigon.

The Sword of Darkness is owned by REDACTED.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)