Anubis - Art by Hyb1rd-1982
Art by: Hyb1rd-1982

History | Personality | Gifts | Skills
Weaknesses | Equipment | Weapons | Trivia

Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

A limited human modern day understanding of Anubis can be found here.

Born in the year 6000 BCE, Anubis did not arrive on Eden until 2686 BCE where he and other alien species began the process of instructing, guiding, and ruling over the natives of the planet. His commanders are Ra and Hesat, though history will mark them as his parents.

Anubis is the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless. He is one of the oldest gods of Kemet, who most likely developed from the earlier (and much older) jackal god Wepwawet with whom he is often confused. In truth Wepwawet was an advanced scout for his people, who would send Anubis as part of a scientific advancement program. This is why the two are often mistaken for each other.

In 2553 BCE Anubis meets Hath-Karim who is out picking fruit for the other priests, and invites him to become a Follower of Anubis. Hath-Karim agrees.

In 2536 BCE, Anubis, along with the other "gods" of Kemet, are given orders to return to their home planets, as humans had become far more independent far faster than anticipated.

Recently Anubis has returned to Eden. It is unclear if this is the same Anubis, but he claims to be the original god of Kemet and has given enough information about that time period to prove his statements.

While he does not state the reason for his return, it is a going theory that his return coincides with the return and alliance Eden has made with the Shi'tha'nar'ian's. It is also believed that the return of the old gods is not done and that, with the onset of meta-mutants our alien neighbors may be coming to observe not only how we deal with this sudden shift, but maybe also how they can benefit from it.

Only time will tell.

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Personality Traits


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(See The Grid)

Constitution: Tireless: While not indestructible, Anubis does possess much more resistant skin and his bones and organs are also much more resilient.

Intra/Inter-Dimensional Teleportation:

Anubis's major power is the ability to teleport himself and up to about one ton of additional mass (including up to a dozen people, if their combined weight does not exceed that limit), across space and even to other dimensions. In order for Anubis to teleport another person or object with him, the person or object must stand within a radius of about 14 feet from Anubis's body, and preferably be in contact with him. Anubis is capable of teleporting himself as little as 10 feet or as far as 100,000 light years (the distance across the galaxy) from his original spot. The process of teleportation appears to be a combination of psionics as well as his tattoos. His mind taps into the ley lines or star charts, and with a simple touch to one of his liquid mercury tattooed lines, he and his passengers are instantly transported to the desired location. Anubis requires no recovery time after utilizing his teleportation power. His teleportation abilities are capable of reaching not only other locations within his home universe, but also other realities, dimensions, and timelines across the multiverse.

_____Psionic/Interdimensional Tracking Sense: Anubis also possesses a sense of smell so keen that he can track or locate a scent across dimensional space. Since odors cannot physically travel across dimensions, this ability of Anubis's appears to be at least in part an extrasensory (psionic) one, the precise nature of which is as yet unknown. He has stated to be able to teleport by tracking the mental energies of his target.

_____Spatial Distance Sense: The means by which Anubis can determine distances and spatial relationships between points of departure and arrival, including interdimensional ones, is as yet unknown. Presumably, it is associated with or augmented by the use of psionic energies.

Strength: Supernatural: Anubis can lift up to 75 tons. Which supports his claim that he helped build The Great Pyramid of Giza by lifting some stones into place single-handedly.

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(See The Grid)

Artistry: Also called Art or Visual Aesthetics, is the ability to create through any means or series of collective intuition. Art is vaguely defined and is as old as human's cognitive thought.

Fighting Skills: Shihanra'wl


Military Protocol: Having been a god in ancient Kemet, Anubis has extensive knowledge and experience in commanding armies.

Tactical Analysis: Tactical Analysis represents an individual's ability to strategize and develop complex plans of actions.

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Claws: Anubis's claws can dig through solid Ferro-crete.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Tattoos: Anubis has real liquid mercury implanted in his skin in the form of ley lines and jump points between spatial destinations. It is unclear if his teleportation ability comes from his body art or if his body art is just a guide for his teleports.

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Anubis should be Amr Waked.