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Aerial Adaptation:

His bones are hollow. His body does not store any excess fat, and he possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than normal. Elements of his anatomy are comparable to those of birds, especially birds of prey. His eyes can withstand high-speed winds which would damage the average human eye. He can breathe at high velocities or altitudes, and he can cope with the reduced temperatures at high altitudes for prolonged periods of time, giving him a greater-than-normal capacity to endure low temperatures in areas such as the Arctic.

He shares some quality with birds including the sense of direction while his eyesight is on par with an eagle, allowing him to spot movement and details even from higher distances than the average human could. His enhanced, avian eyes allow him to "see everything" even in the dark.


Necroplasm Magic:

Other than the counter problems he has, the only limit to Mālik's mystical ability is Mālik's imagination. Having been able to conjure up a car key using his mystic energy, materialize a box of fine wine and even resurrect the dead at the cost of his necro-meter.

Army Manipulation: Initially, Mālik was shown to contain an unknown number of lost souls who can share his abilities that are collectively known as The People of the Hour. It has been theorized that the souls that Mālik carries are those that died at the same hour that Warren Simmons was killed, and that there could be as many as 7,200 souls within him.

Cosmic Awareness: Mālik has an ability to "feel" or "sense" misery, pain and hatred as a gift/punishment given to him by The Green. He is aware, even subconsciously when someone is attacked or murdered because he has gained a further affinity with the creatures of the night and shadows and through them experiences the anguish of all mankind.

Creature of Spiritual Control: Mālik can control the actions of creatures of darkness and sin by utilizing his angelic nature. Namely wolves, bears, worms, and bats.

Energy Halo: A possible extension of his original power-set Mālik is accommodated by a surrounding wreath of bright energy. His blond hair is the result of excess energy.

Geokinesis: Mālik has been granted the powers of both angels and demons and thus has apparent control over the Earth itself, using it to his will when in battle against others. Mālik used the Earth to swallow all other demons and imprison them back in Hell and has used the air to push angels back to Heaven.

Hydrokinesis - Hypersonic Scream


Imortality: As long as his head is intact, Mālik cannot die.

Memory Manipulation: Mālik can use a form of memory manipulation, where he places a symbol upon a person's forehead, causing them to forget they ever saw him.

Necromancy: Mālik can commandeer lifeless cadavers to do his bidding, even letting them retain their personas from when they were alive.

Necroplasm Blades: Mālik can expend necroplasm to throw "blades" that slice or explode on impact.

Necromplasmic Energy Manipulation: Mālik has vast magical powers. However, he has a limited power supply or '9999.' Each time Mālik uses his energy, the counter will drain. Because of this, he relies primarily on his wings natural abilities in fights.

Phasing - Portal Creation

Reality Manipulation - Regenerative Healing Factor

Shape-Shifting: By using his Necroplasm, Mālik can alter his appearance for a limited amount of time. The more changes he makes the shorter the time limit.

Soul Manipulation: Mālik can transfer the sins of others into himself and purify the souls of others.

Summoning: Using his other powers in conjunction with his command over the dead. He can call upon an army of deceased to aid him in battle when needed.

Superhuman Endurance - Superhuman Reflexes - Superhuman Strength - Superhuman Speed - Superhuman Agility - Superhuman Durability - Superhuman Senses - Superhuman Stamina

Telekinesis - Telepathy

Time Manipulation: Mālik has demonstrated the ability to stop time with a thought.

Transformation: Mālik can also transform into a swarm of bats and transport from place to place.

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Assassin and Ninja Training

Business Sense

CIA Training

Expert Combatant

Gifted Intellect

Indomitable Will - Interrogation - Intimidation

Stealth - Swordsmanship

Tactical Analysis

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Wings: Mālik possesses the superhuman ability to fly by means of his natural wings, which spanned sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip. He later lost his wings, due to amputation, but has regrown pseudo-organic wings. Mālik flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. The strength in his wings can easily break a man's arm or leg, or even put someone through a wall.

Pseudo-Organic Wings: Mālik was given pseudo-organic wings by an unknown spiritual entity as part of his conversion to becoming Mālik. He has no feathers and the wings themselves are fabric like, almost leather but much thinner.

Wing Blades: His new wings have razor sharp edges running along them, most likely mono-molecular in sharpness, making them very deadly bladed weapons for him to use. It is suggested they can cleave semblances with the toughness of diamond being sharp enough to cleave stone, tear through tempered steel and can easily cleave grown men clean in two.

Wing Shielding: Due to their pseudo-organic nature they make decent shields to protect his body by covering up in them. Able to resist an arrow barrage, bullet fire, flash flames, a missile strike and even can take a bio-nuclear microwave blast.

Poisonous Plumage: Mālik's new wings carry a potent neurotoxin along their edges, paralyzing their mark on contact.

Living Symbiotic Costume (7-H): Mālik wears a living symbiotic costume, supposedly made in the 7th Heaven or the 7th Level of Hell. While wearing it the host assumes a dominant role over his suit. His cape, spikes, chains, and skulls are all part of an organism bonded to his central nervous system that will protect Mālik even if he is unconscious. The suits feed on souls siphoning the souls of those it kills and sends them straight to Judgement. The 7-H model is a stronger, more refined symbiote which makes Mālik stronger than many that came before. While it is not known exactly what effect the consumption of souls has on Mālik's uniform it is likely that it helps the suit evolve over time. There are nine different necro-states, during which time the suit goes into a dormant hibernation stage to mutate and evolve. When it awakens it is more powerful and if the suit evolves faster than the host's ability to control it then the suit will assume the dominant role. The true source of the costume is the necroplasm in Mālik's body, which it feeds off. It is possible for Mālik to draw this energy back when he needs it, using it to power his abilities without draining his own reserves. The costume can also feed off evil energy from the physical world, absorbing the ambient evil of people, animals (mainly carrion insects, but also wolves and bats) and even certain parts of the city. This feeding actually cleanses those it feeds on, temporarily removing evil thoughts and feelings from them.

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Sword of Spirit: A sword given to Warren by God during his time in Negative Limbo. It has the power to cut through all mystical bonds, including angelic or demonic forces. It can even temporarily harm ghosts and other paranormal beings.

When the Sword is bonded with another God-made Sword, its powers are further increased to an unknown level.

The Sword of Spirit is one of twelve God-made Swords on this plane of existence.

The Sword of Reaping, is owned by The Mummy.

The Sword of Might, is owned by Princeps Rex.

The Sword of Doom, is owned by Surtrigon.

The Sword of Darkness is owned by Dark Guardian.

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Celestial Fire

Deadzone: Almost unstoppable, Mālik is unable to die outside of a patch of alley known as Deadzone unless beheaded by a weapon of Heaven. The Deadzone is the small patch of Earth that is Heaven's domain. In that small stretch of alley, Mālik has no power thus making him an ordinary person. Mālik has, however, used this area to perform an exorcism, but the few times he has ventured there, the results were nearly fatal.

Decapitation: Without the aid of a holy weapon such as the Sword of Darkness, the Sword of the Spirit, or Michael's Battle Spear, the only way to kill Mālik is by decapitation.

Spiritually Forged Weapons: Such as angelic or demonic lances, whips, daggers, spears, swords, etc.

Vulnerability to Heaven: His presence in Heaven, or in safe-zones of Heaven weaken him because it removes his Hell-based powers.

Vulnerability to Wiccan Magic: Such as that used by some Homo Magi, but he has to be willing to submit to it.

Women: He has a weakness for beautiful women.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)