Micron - Art by Ashley Mackenzie
Art by: Ashley Mackenzie

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


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Molecular Density Control:

Primarily, Micron has the ability to control the density of the molecules of his body. He can disperse his molecules into a dense, vapor-like form, or reduce the space between them until he is a small, highly resistant 8" size. He has also shown the ability to materialize a portion, or just a part of his body, such a his upper body while his lower half is in vapor form. Micron recently revealed that he could form density fields in the form of shields or force-fields. He has also shown the ability to assume an 8' form that was nearly intangible.

Clairvoyance: By turning into vapor and entering the body of his dying grandfather through his air passageways, Micron was able to "mingle" in a sense with his grandfathers soul, which was preparing to leave and enter the afterlife. While the experience seemed like a dream, Micron was able to coax his grandfather into staying among the living. Micron could presumably do this for others if he had the time and the person in question likewise had the realistic potential to stabilize.

Death Sense: Micron can sense when death is about to happen, and he can sense when death has just occurred.

Dimensional Travel: In addition to his ability to teleport, Micron has the ability to bring others into a pocket dimension that only he has been shown to be able to access. Calling this place the "Negative Void," Micron has brought in friends into his dimension to protect them from danger, and has pulled enemies within the "Negative Void," as a form of confinement. Inside the "Negative Void," is pure darkness, unless Micron himself appears to communicate with his prisoners.

Fear Projection: The pocket dimension known as the Negative Void, has the innate ability to create fear and other negative feelings within the people inside. He has accidentally almost traumatized his friends when he briefly pulled them inside to protect them, but has also intentionally used this ability to scare enemies.

Flight: As an ethereal, cloud-like being, Micron can levitate and fly through the air at will, although he seems to be able to allow himself to be subject to gravity.

Intangibility: Micron typically remains in an intangible state while on an adventure. Solid matter and some forms of energy have been able to pass through his body without causing him harm. Micron is, however, susceptible to electric and magic-based attacks, even though he is mostly intangible.

Magic/Supernatural Sense: Micron was able to detect the magical energy signature of Melltithio when he was near. Furthermore, he can also see spectral entities that usually cannot be seen, such as when Avalanche has been blasted apart and has not reformed yet.

Metamorphosis: Micron can alter his form to look like whatever he wishes. He still retains the same color scheme, but the shape can be changed to make him look like other things. One of his favorite alternatives to his human form is a dragon-like monster with fangs and claws, but he has altered his appearance in other ways as well. Much like his normal form, Micron seems to be able to make himself solid while in these other shapes as well.

Possession: By forcing himself into the air passageways of someone, Micron is able to control that person's body. Not only is he able to control the person's movements, he was able to speak through the person and was able to access that person's meta-mutant powers.

Self-Sustenance: Micron does not appear to require food, water or oxygen, although he has been seen sleeping at times.

Size Alteration: While altering his appearance, Micron can make himself larger than his standard human size. His dragon-like monster form tends to be quite large, and he has transformed himself to look like a several-stories-tall version of a certain politician.

Superhuman Durability: Micron can shape-shift parts of his body into a denser form. He once turned his hands into a wall to protect his friend from danger.

Superhuman Strength: When Micron shape-shifts, parts of his body can be made into shapes that give him strength. For example, he has shape-shifted his fists into large, stone-hard fists that were able to crack the concrete he punched.

Teleportation: Micron has the ability to "vapor jump," as he calls it. Using this ability, he can teleport himself and/or others in a puff of vapor. He has been able to travel considerable distances with his vapor jumps.

Vapor Construct Creation: Micron can make the vapor he produces/becomes form into solid constructs. He has made a cage before, and has used his vapor to throw enemies and catch falling allies.

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Power Uniform: Micron wears a special costume made of unstable molecules. The uniform first appeared on him when his powers first activated, though its origin is still unknown. The uniform can be intangible and invisible, but will materialize on him when he wills it to do so. It is unknown how it knows to adjust based on his fitness or age, but the same uniform appears to fit him perfectly each time it appears. The costume shrinks and expands in size as Micron does, and turns gaseous and solid when he does.

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Electromagnetism: Electromagnetic energy can disrupt his abilities to become intangible and, when intangible, can revert him back to normal. Trapped in a cage of electromagnetism could stop him from becoming intangible.

Magic Interference: Magic affects him as effectively as it would any normal human.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Family Secret: Micron has not told his family about his abilities. Because of his grandparents ultra-conservative views, he is afraid what they would think/say when they see his female vapor form.

Gender Dysphoria: Jack is having troubles coming to grips with the fact that, in his cloud-like form, he has a feminine physique. It appears to him that, when he uses his powers and casts off his tangible form, his spirit-like form shows him for who he truly is...a girl. His confusion is intensified as he does not feel like a girl, nor does he have romantic feelings for boys. He wishes he could talk about it with someone, but it would mean revealing his secret identity.