Strung-Out - Art by ZedEdge
Art by: ZedEdge

History | Gifts
Paraphernalia | Weapons
Weaknesses | Personality Traits | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

Born in Türkiye Cumhuriyeti to two immigrants, İskoçya'nın Koruyucu Aziz Petrus eventually changed his name to Andrew Peters when he enlisted in the Jandarma Arama Kurtarma Tabur Komutanlığı at the age of 18. Always a outdoors guy, Andrew never turned down a challenge when it came to climbing things or going into caves. Adventure was his calling.

It was at his graduation party, having finally finished all the training the Gendarmerie had to offer, that someone offered him a drink. At first he turned it down, but the person told him it was an extract of the ginko tree that reportedly gave natives the ability to "bend their bones". Thinking it couldn't hurt, Andrew drank the whole bottle...and immediately had a severe allergic reaction to it!

Falling to the floor and convulsing, the fellow trainees sprung into action to apply medical procedures in order to save his life. And that' when Andrew's meta-mutant gland activated and Andrew's whole body began to shift and melt and then re-form.

Right before the eyes of his bosses, his fellow trainees, and his family, Andrew began to stretch and flatten like a rubber band. He became Strung-Out.

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(See The Grid)


As his name suggests, Strung-Out can stretch his limbs and body to superhuman lengths and sizes. There seems to be no limit to how far or wide he can stretch but it is more difficult to control his ability the further he is stretched. Unlike Mr. Excelsior, his elasticity has limits to his physical form; as such, he can make rounded or straight basic shapes but he cannot stretch into a car or tools.

_____Flat Body: Strung-Out's body can be flattened to ½-inch allowing him to slide his body into cracks and crevices.

Boxing: Strung-Out and Killstreak each delivered an uppercut to Overload, sending him flying, without their powers.


Contortionism: He can contort his body into various positions and sizes impossible for ordinary humans, such as being entirely flat so that he can slip under a door or using his fingers to pick conventional locks.

Dexterity: Superhuman: These stretching powers grant Strung-Out heightened balance enabling him flexibility and coordination that is beyond the natural limits of the human body.

Disguise: He can his stretching ability for disguise by changing the shape of his face, although this is painful and difficult for him.

Durability: Superhuman: Strung-Out's powers also greatly augment his durability. He is largely able to withstand corrosives, punctures, and concussions without sustaining injury. It has been demonstrated that he is resistant to high velocities that would kill an ordinary person and that he is also more resistant to blasts from energy weapons that would kill ordinary humans.

Fighting: Athlete: Strung-Out has created his own fighting style he calls: Origami-Fu.

Investigation: Strung-Out is professionally trained as a detective for investigating missing persons, and is highly skilled in deductive reasoning.

Multilingualism: Andrew Peters is a native Turkish speaker but can also speak French and English. He can understand Shi'tha'nar'ian well enough to translate.

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Elastic Limitation: Andrew's physiology has greater physical limitations than Mr. Excelsior; there is a limit to how far he can stretch his finite bodily mass. His physiology is more like that of an ordinary human than Mr. Excelsior and as a result he does not share Mr. Excelsior's nigh invulnerability

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Strung-Out should be Can Yaman.