War Dog - Art by Jerad Marantz
Art by: Jerad Marantz
War Dog

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


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Gabriel undergoes a physical transformation through intense concentration that includes an increase in his height and weight, his body becoming covered with a fine fur, and razor-sharp fangs and claws, along with other dog-like attributes. It also grants him superhuman physical attributes.

Superhuman Agility: War Dog's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are similar to those of the dog he looks like and are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Durability: War Dog's body is harder and more resistant to certain kinds of injury than the body of an ordinary human. While he isn't bulletproof, he can withstand great impact forces, such as falling from several stories or being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no discomfort.

Superhuman Reflexes: War Dog's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Speed: War Dog can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete, reaching a peak range of 65-94 mph.

Superhuman Stamina: War Dog's advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can physically exert himself for several hours before the buildup of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

Superhuman Strength: While transformed, War Dog possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift to 12 tons. His great physical strength also extends to the muscles of his legs, enabling him to leap to a height of 35 feet.

Superhumanly Acute Senses: War Dog's senses of sight, smell, and hearing are heightened to superhuman levels. War Dog can see objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than a normal human. He retains this same level of clarity at night, even in near-total darkness. He may also be able to see into the infrared edge of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to detect a person's body heat in the absence of any light. His sense of hearing is similarly enhanced, enabling him to detect sounds ordinary humans can't and sounds that they can, but only at far greater distances. War Dog can detect the slow, steady rhythm of a normal human heartbeat within a short distance. Like most dogs, his sense of smell is particularly acute, enabling him to track an individual by scent over great distances, even if the scent has been eroded over time by certain natural factors. He once stated that he could smell his intended target from over a mile away. His heightened senses detected Jynx's bad luck superpower as a distinct aura, more active when she was under attack, but failed to identify its specific effect.

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Fireheart is an extraordinarily capable financial manager with an above average IQ. He also spent some years in Nippon-koku training in the martial arts and is an excellent hand to hand combatant and acrobat. Even without the use of his superhuman senses, he has proven himself to be a skilled and capable tracker.

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Claws and Fangs: War Dog's nails are actual short, hardened retractable claws. These claws are razor sharp and are capable of easily rending flesh and bone. Coupled with his great strength, War Dog's claws are capable of rending most conventional materials, including some types of metals. On occasion, he has been known to tip his claws with poisons. He also possesses razor sharp fangs that, while they serve little practical use, can be used as highly effective weapons in very close quarters combat. His knuckle bones are enlarged and stick out of his skin on the back of his hands, giving him extra impact to his punches. Even his feet, shaped like a dogs, have sharpened nails that are just as durable and deadly as the ones in his hands.

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Time Limit: On occassion War Dog has left a battle in order to hide his transformation back into Gabriel Fireheart. However, the timing of these "retreats" are unknown. It is also unknown if he left just before transforming or if he left to give him time to find a place to hide. All that is known is that he does not return for several hours after leaving.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Pets: Ironically, Gabriel loves cats more than dogs, and even has a pet mountain lion, named Puma, that he rescued as a cub and raised as a house pet.