Silverback - Art by Happy-Mutt
Art by: Happy-Mutt

History | Personality | Gifts | Skills
Weaknesses | Equipment | Weapons | Trivia

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Personality Traits




Condition Immunity








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(See The Grid)

Avatar of the Gorilla God:

He has recently approached the Gorilla God through mystical means who then made him stronger and more fit than ever before, meaning his strength and other abilities have been increased to beyond human levels, the limit of these new powers are unknown, but he is able to easily shatter machines effortlessly with single blows.

Agility: Silverback's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are significantly beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Durability: Silverback's bodily tissues are somewhat harder and more resistant to certain types of injury than even a common gorilla or human. He has taken blows from Bastaphra and been shot multiple times and kept fighting. He also survived being pushed off a cliff by Jester immediately after the battle. His body is more resistant to blunt force and impact trauma than the body of an ordinary gorilla or human.

Stamina: Silverback's advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary gorilla or human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for up to a day before the build up of fatigue toxins in his bloodstream begins to impair him.

Strength: Due to the ritual, Silverback possesses incredible strength enabling him to lift up to about 10 tons.


Even before becoming the Avatar of the Gorilla God, G'mbako had rudimentary telepathic skills, allowing him to sense other minds, both animal and human, within a certain radius of him. But when he became Silverback for the first time, his telepathic powers were enhanced greatly. He used them to gain his power and convince his people to go against the Kingdom of Themykanda. These powers are his whether as Silverback or G'mbako. Some of his known telepathic skills include:

Animal Control - Mind Control - Mind Transference - Telekinetic Assault - Thought Sensing

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(See The Grid)

Fighting: G'mbako has a fighting style much like the gorilla he emulates. Even before becoming an avatar he was a seasoned warrior and skilled in several forms of hand-to-hand combat. Since gaining his powers, he's become an even more formidable combatant.

Intelligence: Genius: G'mbako is extremely intelligent with knowledge of technology beyond the development of normal human civilization.

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Omnimobile: G'mbako's uses a ship based on Jabarodd City technology to move around. The ship could move at the same speed as Bastaphra, except could change direction without losing velocity instantly. The ship also had a bore on the front to drill through the earth and was named after it's ability to travel through Air, Ground, Underground, and through Water.

Gorilla Ring: Strangely enough, G'mbako's powers are dependent on him constinuously wearing an 8thbranium ring gifted to him by the gorilla god. While it could, technically, be stolen the new wearer would not gain the enhanced powers the gorilla god avatar should have. But it would reduce G'mbako back to his pre-avatar gifts and skills.

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Fangs: Silverback does have extremely long and sharp fangs that can be used both offensively and defensively.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Eating Habits: G'mbako is a vegetarian.