Art Edited by: Unknown

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
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Unique Dark Matter Physiology:

Shade's powers are hereditary due to her being the only surviving royal family member from a dimension opposite ours, where beings are made of Dark Matter. Shade absorbed a succubus into her body after a mission which a teammate died, and doing so made her appear less human giving her skin a pale complexion and her hair became living shadows.


First and foremost her abilities come from a dimensional source allowing her to tap into a shadowy realm to create dimensional forces of pure darkness. She has gained experience over time allowing for creative uses of her abilities.

Phasing: Shade can phase through physical contact, allowing her to avoid hits or bullets. This does not stop her from attacking her opponents.

Shadow Homunculi: Shade is able to create shadow creatures and constructs. She pulls these objects and beings from her shadowy realm and controls them without error.

Shadow Teleportation: Shade can create dimensional portals to teleport herself and others through the Dark Matter Dimension.

Shadow Transformation: Shade can becoming a living two-dimensional tangible shadow. This effect gives her enhanced abilities as well as a change in her physiology.

Superhuman Durability: Her body underwent a complete dimensional shift when she first gained her abilities, altering her body chemistry, providing her with different physical attributes, such as denser musculature and the ability to exist in the vacuum of space longer than a normal human.

Darkness Empowerment:

Shade's secondary set of powers are related to light exposure; the darker it is, the greater her powers become, the absence of light triggering another set of powers. Her powers strengthen with a lack of light, and she is weaker with exposure to light. Doctor Day has stated Shade was unpowered (normal human-like) in the presence of light. Shade has demonstrated the following powers while in darkness:

Enhanced Agility: She gains in agility and reaction time, the longer she is in darkness and the darker it is.

Longevity (or possible Immortality): In complete darkness she is able to survive without food or water indefinitely.

Nigh-Invulnerability: As with her strength, the darker it is, the more impervious to harm she becomes.

Shadow-Sight: She has shadow-sensitive eyes that give her the ability to see in darkness.

Superhuman Strength: Her already enhanced strength increases based on the darkness level she is in. The lighter the shadow, the weaker she is. The darker the shadow/night the stronger she is.

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Hand-to-Hand Combat: Basic

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Bright Side: Powers decrease and fade in visible light (electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths of 300 to 1400nm).

P.T.S.D.: Suffers from P.T.S.D. (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Personality: Extremely introverted.

Distrust: Very distrustful of adult males.

Belief System: Shade identifies as a practicing Catholic.

Girl Scout: As a young girl, Shade was a Girl Scout for all of two weeks before she quit after her first camp-out. As her reason, she cited that she does not like the outdoors, particularly because of all of the bugs.