Pouma - Art by Joshua W Murcray
Art by: Joshua W. Murcray

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


Written by: Joshua W. Murcray

When Rosabelle was killed by muggers, her father, a rich socialite who had hired the muggers, gave the body to an underground scientist to use in his experiments. Rosabelle was resurrected by a group of scientists who specialize in combining demonic rituals with their studies in science. They are called The Hand of the Beast.

With her new life, her name was changed to Giselle Pantha as she now possessed the ability to change into a were-cat, a human with the features and abilities of a cat. However, the scientists were amazed to find the resurrection also enhanced and activated other powers and abilities.

But Giselle was not content to be anyones captive and her new DNA made her yearn to break free and escape. Which she did by using all the training they instilled in her, as she fought her way out, killing many of the doctors and security forces standing between her and freedom.

Now on the run, and doing her best to stay out of the grip of The Beast's Hand, as she calls them, she has taken up a new name, Poúma, and a new cause of stopping anymore demonic uprisings or manipulations and has joined the small group of individuals calling themselves, The Night's Guard.

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Were-Cat Enhancements:

While Giselle is not truly a meta-mutant, the demonic science used in her resurrection did alter her DNA, granting her exceptional new powers and abilities.

Accelerated Healing

Assassins Instinct: Major Fury can attest to the usage of this eerie mind control in a person. In the past, he conducted scientific experiments on the captured Poúma and found strange morphology in her brain that explained her phenomenal reflexes, yet sane rationale. Poúma moves with heightened primal instincts but the more evolved parts of her brain remain intact, preserving her intelligence. In other words, she thinks like a woman and strikes like a cat.

Heightened Awareness: Demonstrated the ability to detect a threat to her well-being in the immediate vicinity before they commit the action.

Hypnosis: Poúma has demonstrated the ability to mesmerize others, and as such make them see illusions or other phenomena.

Mind Shield: Poúma has demonstrated an ability to remain hidden and undetected by other telepaths. By using a telepathic technique that she learned during her time with The Beast's Hand, Poúma can create a mental shield around her mind keeping herself hidden from other psychics.

Mind Switch: Poúma's strangest gift is her ability to "throw" her mind into those of others. For instance, she was able to track down her enemy by temporarily "borrowing" people's minds and acting through them while she hunted around for her prey.

Discern Target: This temporary mind control enables her to literally sniff out the psyche, or intent, of her targets. It is unknown how long the effect lasts, but Poúma has gone a full two days or more in another person's mind while they zoned out in hers.

Discern Location: This "mind jump" ability might explain why Poúma is always a step ahead of her competition or seems to know where her target is at all times. The unusual addition of her telepathic skills make Poúma an accomplished tracker to say the least.

Precognition: She can have some precognitive visions, and see glimpses of future events.

Silent Scream: A high powered Chi-based scream originally used by REDACTED. By focusing on her Chi and puckering her lips together Poúma can use this technique to perform a high pitched scream that can render a person permanently deaf, and/or by furthering focusing on one target can kill.

Super-Leaping - Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes: Poúma has been shown capable of preventing Almaeisha Almawt from shooting her at a close range. She did this by literally slicing through the crossbow bolt with her claws.

Superhuman Speed - Superhuman Strength

Telekinesis: Poúma has demonstrated telekinetic abilities.

Telepathic Communication: She can communicate telepathically with individuals possessing similar levels of mental discipline.

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Bilingual: As well as English, Poúma is fluent in Spanish and Greek.

Expert Acrobat: She is an excellent acrobat capable of many difficult feats.

Expert Markswoman: Poúma is skilled with throwing weapons and sharpshooting.

Master Martial Artist: Poúma is proficient in many martial arts originating from People's Republic of China, Kingdom of Thailand, and Nippon-koku. While many of them are unstated, Ninjutsu is the most noticeable one. She also excels in aikido, kendo, and karate.

Master of Stealth: Due to her training as a ninja, she can blend in with the shadows and remain undetected by most humans.

Master Tracker

Nervous System Control: She can control her nervous system enabling her to deaden her body to physical pain, control her emotions, and even her bleeding rate.

Pressure Point Locator: She can locate different pressure points on a person's body. She can incapacitate, paralyze, severely injure, or even kill a person.

Weapons Master: She is a master of many different weapons. Among the known are Okinawan Sai which are her usual weapons of choice (it is presumed she may have trained with all Okinawan Kobudo weapons), katanas, knives, sansetsukon (3-sectional staff), and (shuriken) throwing stars. Despite all this training, she still prefers to use her own claws and fangs.

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Claws & Fangs: With her ability to change into a were-cat, Poúma has natural weapons in the form of her enlarged canine teeth and her razor sharp claws.

Twin Sai: Outside of her natural weapons, Poúma's primary weapons while in her normal human form, are her twin sai, long daggers with narrow blades and twin blade guards. She can use them to slash, stab, and throw. Her Sai are protected with a synaptic snare with biometric locks keyed to her nervous system that will deliver a shock that paralyzes any other person who touches it for sixty seconds, to ensure nobody can use them against her.

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Psychic Feedback: It is unclear what the limitations on her psychic ability are. She may be limited by touching distance or to minds easily affected by persuasion. Poúma was not born with this interesting gift: she mastered it through training and refinement with The Beast's Hand. Their fighters share similar powers, which means each of them -- including Poúma -- are mentally linked to The Wild Beast, the relentless demon of The Beast's Hand who has haunted her since she broke rank.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Threat Level: After escaping from Starshield Labs, despite not really being a prisoner (she DID volunteer for testing), Major Fury had her listed as an Alpha Level threat.