Aurora - Art phil-cho
Art by: phil-cho

History | Personality | Gifts | Skills
Weaknesses | Equipment | Weapons | Trivia

Written by: Joshua W. Murcray


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Personality Traits




Condition Immunity








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(See The Grid)

Being of Light:

Aurora is a being of light in that she possesses a body-wide energy field that controls the energy levels of the outer electron shells of her body in such a way as to cause the cascaded release of photons. In effect, this field is lasing, with the apparent efficiency of a laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) (99.9%). The released energy is far greater than the incoming kinetic energy and therefore must involve an energy source, the nature of which turns out to be the very sounds her internal organs make as she breathes, as her heart pumps, and so on. Left undirected, Aurora's light will radiate from her body in all directions, producing regular flashes of white light. By conscious control over the light she produces, she can control its direction, frequency (color), amplitude (intensity), and duration.

Sound Conversion:

She has the ability to transduce sonic vibrations which reach her body into various types of light. This ability seems to operate over a great range of frequencies, including the audible spectrum (35 to 16,500 cycles per second), and a great variation of sound pressure levels regardless of the complexity, dissonance, or randomness of the sound. For example, a car crash and a symphonic passage of equal duration will both produce usable incoming acoustic vibrations. Aurora, however, does prefer the sound of music, particularly that which is rhythmically sustained. Not only is music more pleasant to her ears, but the steady beat of popular music provides a more constant source of sound to convert. However, she cannot consciously use any sound produced by her own body. The limits of her sound conversion ability is unknown.

She can produce numerous effects with the light she converts from sonic vibrations. She can create very simple patterns out of rays of light like circles, squares, triangles, and stars. She has learned to manifest her light and sound as:

_____Blinding Flash: She can create a pulse of light on the order of several thousand watts seconds of power, which temporarily blinds people with its brilliance.

_____Dazzle: She can create a chaotic cascade of sparkling lights and colors that severely upsets other people's equilibrium.

_____Destructive Shield: She has the ability to create a destructive shield of light around herself with laser light that can vaporize small projectiles.

_____Echolocation: Aurora can use her conversion ability to act as a very crude form of echolocation. After singing through an amplifier for a minute, she has displayed the ability to see humanoid shapes through a brick wall.

_____Energy Absorption: Aurora has the ability to absorb light in any form, even lasers.

_____Energy Construct Creation: Aurora can manipulate light to create solid structures like cages.

_____Energy Projection: By concentrating, Aurora can generate a coherent beam of light, approximating a laser beam, with which she can cut through virtually anything. The field thus operates in a similar fashion as the process that creates a laser and apparently has the same efficiency as a laser (99.9%).

_____Illumination: She can cause a bright glow all about her body to create light.

_____Light Immunity: Her body, especially her eyes, shields itself against any injurious effects of her light transducing abilities, and against those of bright lights in general.

_____Light Mist: She can create a glowing or hazy almost fog-like effect that obscures the surrounding area.

_____Metamorphosis: Thanks to her ability to produce solid holograms she can alter her appearance in order to appear as any other person, object or animal.

_____Omnidirectional Ultraviolet Light: With extreme effort she can generate omnidirectional waves of ultraviolet light of sufficient intensity to destroy metal objects, even metal structures several stories high.

_____Photon Blasts: She can generate a blast of concussive solid light.

_____Rocket Burst: She has the ability to gain vertical altitude by directing a quick column of light beneath her.

_____Sound Immunity: Her ability to transduce sound also protects her from being deafened by loud noises. Strangely, this ability also seems to prevent her from any telepathic attacks or probing.

_____Sound Release: She has the ability to release the absorbed sound in one burst.

_____Strobes: She can generate a pulsating strobe-light effect.

Speed: Flight: Light Speed: Aurora can fly at the speed of light.

Speed: Land: Orbital Velocity

Superhuman Hearing: She has highly developed ears, enabling her to detect sounds that others cannot register.

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(See The Grid)

Acting: Aurora is a well trained and successful actress which allows her to manipulate her attackers and skillfully employ her skills in her superhuman conflicts for maximum effectiveness.

Athlete: She is not only a talented singer, but she is also an exceptional dancer, roller-skater, and has been well-trained in self-defense.

Singer: Aurora is an international pop star who has won a Grammy two years in a row.

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Self-Powered: She cannot directly use sounds produced by her own body, as a source for her power. However, the internal sounds her body makes does cause a sort-of static charge that can build up. That she can direct, but it takes time to build.

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Microphone: Aurora always has her customized microphone with her. Capable of Bluetooth and having its own mini-sound system, Aurora is able to store sound energy within it thereby ensuring she is never without sound to manipulate.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)

Famous Fans: Apparently there are several Earth-3175 characters who are fans of her music. Those who admit it are Behemoth, Ironclad, Peridella, Killstreak and, surprisingly, Leech. Golem once admitted that he liked Aurora's music, but denies it in public.

Magna cum laude: Aurora has completed an undergraduate degree, magna cum laude (with honors).

Necklace: The necklace with the microphone locket Aurora wears for all her performances is her mother's necklace that she gave to her on her 15th birthday.

Voice: If the Amalgam Universe 2.0 were to become a cartoon, the voice of Aurora should be Taylor Swift.