Wessen - Art by phil-cho
Art by phil-cho

History | Powers | Abilities | Paraphernalia
Weapons | Weaknesses | Trivia


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Drurllon Physiology:

Wessen is a Drurllon and possesses the ability to transform his body's size, shape, color and substance to mimic any person, creature or object and for any length of time with little limitation on size or shape due to his near total control over his Molecular Biology. To learn more about what all Drurllon are capable of, GO HERE.

Chi Randikai Augmentation: As a member of the third-group of the Drurllon, Chi Randikai, through concentration, Wessen can harness his mystical chi to augment his physical and mental capabilities to increased levels. Initially Chi Randikai can augment their physical prowess to the non-superhuman level, but, with further study and practice, they can reach truly superhuman levels of physical activity. The following are abilities that only the Chi Randikai are capable of.

Chi Detection: Capable of detecting life force of others.

Chi Generation: Wessen can project his Chi into a ranged attack, sort of like an energy blast. Wessen can also transfer his Chi into other objects to accelerate them or give them more power.

Empathy: Wessen has the ability to sense and read the emotions/feelings/intentions of people and animals, and can broadcast his own feelings in order to influence other people and/or animals' emotions psionically.

Energy Absorption: At times, Wessen has absorbed energy directed at himself and channeled it to augment his own chi.

Enhanced Durability: Wessen can generate a chi-based "aura" radiating from his body to protect himself from energy-based attacks to a varied degree and make himself more resilient against physical damage.

Enhanced Healing: If he sustains injury or illness, Wessen can focus his chi for the purposes of healing his injuries. By focusing enough, he can even purge his own body of poison, however Wessen will experience great pain in the process. He can also channel this energy into other people.

Enhanced Reflexes: Wessen's reflexes are enhanced to greater levels than normal humans. He can react fast enough to catch bullets.

Enhanced Senses: Chi Randikai can sense objects and/or living forms and store their chi into their brains. Scanning, or "becoming one" as they call it, takes only a few moments and the Chi Randikai can use that new form at any time. Wessen has unusually keen eyesight, but it is unclear if it extends to superhuman level. He can focus his hearing so intensely that he can hear sweat rolling down someone's face.

Enhanced Speed: He can increase his speed allowing him to dodge or catch bullets. Without the use of chi, he can run up to 35 mph.

Environmental Adaptation: Through focus and meditation, Wessen can sustain himself for extended periods of time in extreme temperature environments.

Heightened Awareness: Demonstrated the ability to detect a threat to his well-being in his immediate vicinity before they commit the action and possesses enhanced intuition.

Magic Immunity: Magic is just an advanced form of controlling chi for the Chi Randikai. Therefore, it is not something that can affect him, and, in fact, any magical attacks against him are absorbed and only boost his own chi powers.

Mind Fusion: Wessen can use his power to temporarily fuse his consciousness with another person, resulting in a sharing of knowledge, emotions, and memories.

Nervous System Control: Wessen has complete control over his nervous system enabling him to deaden himself to pain, resist the effects of drugs or poisons, and slow down the rate at which he bleeds. He also is able to pass lie detector tests.

Superhuman Longevity: Possibility of a slowed aging process.

Telepath: Within the Chi Randikai there are a minority that possess telepathic abilities. They have been seen to serve the empire in the imperial court as "Priest of the Mind" and in the armed forces. It is uncertain which Wessen is.

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Peak Human Physical Conditioning: Wessen is an Olympic-level athlete and gymnast.

Master Aerialist: Wessen is an extremely skilled flyer, capable of many difficult feats.

Master Martial Artist: Wessen is a master of Durlan Martial Arts, a form of hand fighting on his home world, and is proficient in many of Earth's martial arts, including but not limited to: Kunlunquan, Shaolinquan, Fujian White Crane, Judo, Aikido, Wing Chun, Ninjutsu, Muay Thai, Karate, Boxing and even loose street fighting tactics. He is also skilled in unique chi-based techniques that masks him from such things as Muraña's passive sonar and Thunderbird's telepathic reflexes. He is one of the greatest martial artists on Earth; having held his own against Vigilante. He also possesses infinite ways to kill a man, such as the Dragon's Talon which uses his chi to kill anyone in close vicinity.

Meditation: Wessen is a master of meditation and relaxation techniques. He can enter a trance-like state to ignore pain and slow his heart rate.

Multilingual: He can speak fluent in Drurllon, English, Chinese and has a limited vocabulary in Sarcee.

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(Physical Features/Speaking Voice/Likely Vocabulary/Characteristics/Mannerisms)